Sunday, September 21, 2008


While wall street was sinking what was Tom Harkin, and Barack Obama doing?

Let me say I believe the Delta Queen is OK, I don't have anything against it, but this illustrates the thinking behind a Senator who has been in Washington too long and has lost touch, and his protege who has lost touch very quickly.
I offer this as evidence:
Sen. George Voinovich introduces bill to save the Delta Queen
September 17, 2008
On September 16, Sen. George Voinovich has introduced a bill in the U.S. Senate (bill no. S. 3498) to save the Delta Queen by exempting her from 1966 Safety at Seat Law. Support comes from at least seven other Senators, both Republicans and Democrats, giving the Delta Queen a new chance for a bipartisan vote in favor of this unique historic steamboat.
Cosponsors of this promising bill so far are: Senators Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), Thad Cochran (R-Mississippi), David Vitter (R-Louisiana), Barack Obama (D-Illinois), Evan Bayh (D-Indiana), and Richard Lugar (R-Indiana), but as Vicki Webster, one of the campaign leaders to save the Delta Queen says: "We need much more direct support from Senators all over the country, but especially from the ones coming from a river state".
Members of the Save the Delta Queen grassroots campaign are calling to action all Delta Queen fans and supporters. Campaign's co-leader Franz Neumeier says: "Get on the phone, go to your Senator's local offices, fire up your fax machines and urge your Senators to support this important bill to give the Delta Queen a chance to survive." Campaign leaders are also asking supporters to talk to their local newspapers and TV stations to report about what it means if the Delta Queen disappears forever. "And don't forget to point out that all this is not about safety, because the Delta Queen in fact is a very safe boat", says Neumeier. Detailed information about the Delta Queen's safety can be found at


Tuesday, September 16, 2008


The MSNBC reporter made a mistake while covering the 911 ceremony. I see John McCain, I see Cindy McCain, and Barrack Obama. Where was Michelle? The MSNBC talking head said she had other events.

What events could be more important than attending the 911 memorial at ground zero?

Maybe she was studying all of the different ways she suddenly discovered she was proud of her country about. Maybe Oprah had a brunch going on, Oprah's 911 brunches are world famous.

Kudos goes out to the MSNBC anchor who asked the question: Where is Michelle? Enjoy your new posting at NBC Sports. Say isn't it getting crowded over there?

Here is the link of the video of Michelle standing behind her man at the 911 memorial:

Sunday, September 14, 2008


This Is Our Land!
The Baldwin/Castle Doctrine
A Plan For Keeping America In The Hands Of Americans

IntroductionWe've heard about the Spanish company Centra holding the lease on the Trans Texas Corridor, the Indiana Tollway, etc., and many are probably aware that foreign companies are buying American infrastructure rapidly. Now the Sovereign Wealth funds which many countries hold are buying our foreclosed homes. Abu Dhabi has $875 billion, Norway $391 billion, Singapore $303 billion, Kuwait $264 billion in their funds to name a few. These countries are hiring American real estate companies to buy billions in foreclosed American real estate at bargain prices. This is intolerable, embarrassing and unacceptable for a Sovereign and once great nation to endure. We will soon be debtors in our homes to other nations who hold our debt. The dollar is so disrespected abroad that these countries want real American assets instead of worthless paper and as always, unfortunately, there are greedy individuals and corporations, more interested in profit than patriotism, who are willing to oblige. It is time for Americans to take a stand against the selling off of America! Chuck Baldwin and Darrell Castle are prepared to take the lead in keeping America for Americans and offer the Baldwin/Castle Doctrine as a solution to protect America from takeover by foreign interests. The Baldwin/Castle DoctrineNo foreign government or world government body or entity, not even an ally or neighbor of the US is allowed to own any portion of US roads, airports, homes, buildings, lands, waters, resources (oil, gas, precious metals, minerals, etc,), religious facilities (no matter what faith), stocks, bonds, US treasury notes, businesses, banks, military bases or military assets or manufacturing facilities in the US regardless of how much the foreign governments donate to the political campaigns or private fortunes of US officials, elected or bureaucratic, or even to the US treasury.
Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost." -- John Quincy Adams

Friday, September 12, 2008


Interesting results on the school board elections in Jackson County. Incumbents in Bellevue, East Central, and Andrew school districts all got defeated. In the one contested race in Maquoketa the incumbent won by only 83 votes.


The following article reflects what has happened in Scott County and the Plain Blunt Truth is the education problems in this country will never be solved til we get more involvement from the community.

Scott County school board races attract few voters
By Sheena Dooley Thursday, September 11, 2008
For the most part, leaders in local Iowa school districts don’t see turnout for the most recent school board elections or the lack of candidates running in them as a cause for concern.However, it’s raising red flags for others in the state. They say the less than 1 percent of voters that showed up at the polls this week might be a sign that people’s satisfaction with their schools has turned into apathy, and it’s time for the community to have a discussion on how to create more interest and participation in school elections.For the first time, races across Scott County were uncontested this year, which could be one reason they also garnered the lowest level of voter participation in at least a decade, according to Richard Bauer, election supervisor for the Scott County Auditor’s Office. Those numbers reflect elections for seats in Davenport, Bettendorf, Pleasant Valley and North Scott school districts.“This is the first ever all races in all districts were unopposed,” Bauer said. “It’s just never happened. It was a phenomenon. Because of that, I kind of expected a low turnout. But I didn’t think it would be under 1 percent.”Most tie the low turnout to a lack of candidates, which means people have little choice in who oversees the direction of their schools, how millions of taxpayer dollars are spent and what programs are offered in the classroom. It also prevents input from differing viewpoints on the various issues affecting districts and a community dialogue, some said.“If people take the time to educate themselves about the issues and the candidates, (having more candidates) gives them a choice,” said Harrison Cass, Bettendorf interim superintendent. “It gives them a choice of the kind of people and quality of people they want when they go to vote. If there is only one candidate to fill the open seats, then you don’t have a choice really. Or you just stay at home and don’t vote.”The lack of candidates and voters in Scott County is nothing new. In the past five years, the number of residents showing up at the polls has declined. In the past two years, only one of 13 school board races has been contested.That compares with statewide figures that show six in 10 races are uncontested. However, those numbers are usually lower in urban and suburban areas, such as the Quad-Cities, said Lisa Bartusek, associate executive director of the Iowa Association of School Boards.Statewide, voter turnout averages 6 percent, she added.“The low voter turnout raises a big question for Scott County,” Bartusek said. “It would be a good thing for a community group and district to ask what more do we need to do to encourage people to run …“Our belief is the lack of people stepping forward can be a sign of satisfaction in the public schools. But it’s far too easy for satisfaction to move into apathy. If you have less than 1 percent voter turnout and uncontested races over time, that’s a cause for concern.”Scott County election numbers also fall far below of those in Rock Island County school elections, according to Richard Leibovitz, who oversees Rock Island County elections as the county clerk.Districts in Rock Island County, including Rock Island-Milan and Moline-Coal Valley, used to see 10 percent to 15 percent of voters turn out when they held separate elections similar to those in Iowa. However, turnout has increased somewhat after Illinois lawmakers combined school and city elections, which are now held once every two years in April.Leibovitz said one reason for the higher turnout in Illinois could be the visibility of races. In recent years, districts have seen an influx of candidates running for open seats. Because of the competition, candidates put up yard signs, hold debates and campaign door-to-door.“They have gotten with their friends and the people they work with to get more people out to vote and that turns into a higher percentage,” he said. “It’s not too unusual for us to get calls on some of these elections from people who see the signs and realize we are having an election, and they want to know what it’s for.”Kathy Weiman, president of the Moline-Coal Valley school board, said there hasn’t always been such an interest in vacancies on the board. When she first ran almost four years ago, there wasn’t much competition.During the last election more than a year ago, however, every open seat was contested. And when the board had a seat open this summer, 10 people applied.That compares with the two candidates the Pleasant Valley School District had to choose from last month when one of its board members resigned. And at least one of those candidates was recruited by current board members, said Deborah Dayman, Pleasant Valley board president.Weiman attributed the increase in interest to her district’s efforts to engage the community in what the district is doing through forums and newsletters that go out to every resident. The district is also in the middle of deciding what to do with its aging and underutilized schools, among other things.“Certainly, a community is the schools and the schools are the community,” Weiman said. “There is no greater connection than those two entities. (If you aren’t reaching into the community) you get your singular perspective. When you don’t get the broad perspective, then you are missing information. You are making decisions out of the context of the community where those decisions are going to make an impact. You operate in a vacuum.”Sheena Dooley can be contacted at(563) 383-2363 or Comment on this story at


This blog is dedicated to preserving the Conservative way of life for future generations. To that end we will try to look at things with the Plain Blunt simplicity of a Senator of Ancient Greece, a Veteran who defend their society thinking only of preserving that which his fellow Countrymen paid for in blood.

School District A just added a building addition of over 1 million dollars, its enrollment is over 1,000 students. School District B has under 1,000 students enrolled, School B got a racing@ gaming grant and paid the book fees for every child in the district.

The thought crosses my mind if School A ever thought in the process of spending the 1 million dollars that maybe paying for their own students books would be a good idea!!!