Monday, October 27, 2008


If you have ever seen the movie The Bridge On The River Kwaii, at the end the British officer looks at all of the devastation war has wrought and says: MADNESS!!!

Well I had my MADNESS MOMENT today. For two weeks around the lunch room at work I have listened to a younger worker rant and rave about the corruption of the bailout. I had a great time thinking this young man may have the makings of an up and coming conservative.

So here comes lunch today, and the young man announces he has voted absentee for Barack Obama, I point out Obama voted for the bailout, the young guy says, I know but he hasn't been there as long as McCain. So hoping this young firebrand knows his stuff I ask him how did you vote for the down ballot offices, I never followed those races!! He said. I voted straight Democrat!!!

I pointed out the Senator he voted for voted for the bailout, and co sponsored the rules that set up this economic problem, and that the Congressman he voted for voted for the bailout. I also pointed out their opponents already stated publicly and unabashedly they were against the bailout. Well he said it was easier to vote the straight ticket, the ballot was so long and by voting straight ticket I got out of there quicker.


Sunday, October 26, 2008


A letter has just been brought to my attention that I find rather disturbing, Tokyo Tom Harkin has undermined our efforts to free the oppressed people of the middle east,from islamic extremists who have twisted their religion for their own purposes.

In a letter from Iowa State Daily,dated October 26th,2004 General Harkin believes that the war in Iraq is lost, and that President Bush will invoke the draft. Wow just in time for Halloween. Well Tokyo Tom was wrong he underestimated the resolve of the American Military, with the finest officers and troops the world has ever seen. General Petraus stepped in and the surge worked. Despite Tokyo Toms attempt to scare the American public, with another one of his Ghost Stories.

With a record like this one has to wonder what side Tokyo Tom is on, Americas or the rest of the world. We only get a chance to replace some one like this every six years.

If you look at what he has done, undermined the defense effort going back to his days with John Kerry with vets against the war, co sponsoring the law that led to the current economic slow down Senate bill s3283, telling us he is bringing back the bacon from DC to Iowa, and not owning up that we are still paying for it if it overdraws the federal budget, and then telling people there is going to be a draft, when there never was a plan for one. Can we really afford six more years of the crazy , inconsistent behavior this guy has exhibited? I SAY NO?

Here is the letter to Iowa State Daily, notice how he automatically assumes some one going to college wouldnt want to serve their country?

Sunday, October 5, 2008


On September 25th at 2 pm my mother in law passed away, at 80 years and 7 months old, and it has taken this long to formulate a reflection about her life.
You know there are a lot of jokes out there about mothers in law, which, I never ran across one that applied to my mother in law. I respected her too much for that.She was always nice to me and everyone she came in contact with. I guess in my mind the greatest thing she ever did in her life was to choose to give life to her children. Without that one fundamental choice she made, my life wouldn't have been that good, and I probably would have ended up with a mother in law those jokes would have applied to. So thank you mom for bringing my wife into this world, the best thing that ever happened to me.

Leona's life affected many other lives also, she had 1 son and 3 daughters,13 grandchildren, and 22 great grand children!!! WOW!! All because a farm girl from western Iowa chose life!! What an impact on our society that must have made since Leona made that one fundamental choice.

No body made Leona do that she had a value that ran through her life that influenced her to do that. I think that fundamental value is something we as Americans need to defend, and promote, including making sure our elected representatives support that fundamental choice Leona made, and don't try to undermine it through such societal undermining, such as Roe vs. Wade, and separation of church and state.

I believe when you follow a pro life example you lead a happier life and it makes you more considerate to others. I know in my professional life it has made me a better servant to my customer because I now look at the customer as a person rather than a number. I also believe if our country has become more crass, inconsiderate, and more unsafe it is because of a lack of respect for life.

I guarantee you our government will be better when we have officials in it that fundamentally respect life, and make a stand for it!!!

So thanks mom for choosing life youmade an impact on this world that I am not sure you were even aware of, you did your part if things go bad from here it is my generations fault.