Sunday, May 3, 2009


Doug Gross in his insistent campaign to drive social conservatives out of the Republican Party, practically guaranteed Chet Culver's reelection this week. With President Obamas total incompetence and Chet Culver's lilly livered refusal to defend the sanctity of the average Iowans home, Republicans were gaining ground and looking forward to big victories next year , until this week.

With Grosses coalition hiring a Texas polling firm, and the subsequent release of results, that were accumulated before the Iowa Supreme Courts ruling on Gay Marriage. The social moderates totally destroyed, and undermined the efforts of the new leadership at RPI, to repair the damage caused by the Iowa Caucus last year.

Thanks again social moderates, by backing social conservatives into a corner with your phony poll, the big tent has now collapsed, you pulled the tent stake out!!

Answer this for me Doug, why cant a Republican be a fiscal and social conservative? I believe Reagan was. Oh yes I am not supposed to bring that guy up. After all the people who truly believed in him, were the very same people your bunch didn't want in the party years ago. You just humored them to win elections, and now you want them out no matter what the cost.

There is a party where social liberals, and fiscal conservatives can go, and are going, its called the Democratic Party!! Don't forget many fiscal conservatives believe in balancing the governments books, not necessarily cutting government spending.

On the weekend of Jack Kemp's death, I am reminded of the conservatism that I believe in. Jacks idea of the big tent, is not what the Republican Party is pursuing today. Jack believed in a hand up, not a hand out. He believed that a strong family unit was the key to a strong community, that is why he always wanted us to help the minority community, because liberals had destroyed the family in that community, and Jack knew social conservative values was the key to recovery, for that segment of our society.

Kemp also believed in economic development , not economic bailout. The Republican Party is not the Party of economic development anymore, we spend our time getting sweetheart business deals for the multi national corporations that give us the largest donations, small donors don't count anymore. When Haley Barbour was RNC chair, I.E. Reagan he had the largest list of donors under $100 a year in the history of the party then, and since.

So where do you want us to go Doug? I don't see any victories for you to hang your hat on, that confirms a fiscal conservative, social moderate can win. Obama is really nothing more than McCain on steroids, and he was perceived as a new face, and hadn't been in Washington long enough to get blamed for all of the problems. THAT'S HOW HE WON!! THAT'S IT!! ITS AS SIMPLE AS THAT!!

What has won in the past for the Republican Party is a platform of Smaller Government, Less Taxes, and Personal Responsibility, at least that is what John Ensign said today.

Lets see what goes under Personal Responsibility: Oh yeah Not Aborting Your Baby, Trying to make a marriage work, ( one between a man and a woman) say what does the Hill group poll show about that? Seeing to it that the next generation has a chance to live at least as good as the present one, (hard to see how the bailouts have done that), See to it that the current generation lives in a safe and secure, and prosperous country ( illegal immigration has really helped toward that goal).

Just those three issues alone point to a Party that needs to bring social conservative values to the table and defend them, the lack of commitment to that has been our undoing.

So the lines have been split once again, Social Moderates the money changers of the Party, are trying to defeat the Social Conservatives, who have the numbers that make election victory possible. A situation that lead to defeat in the past.

So all I can say to Doug Gross, is if you persist in this manner, of wanting to exclude social conservatives from the mix, you are guaranteeing Chet Culver's reelection. It is up to you, I have yet to see candidates out there, who run only on social issues. The ones I like run as a social and fiscal conservative, and back that up when they hold office. The fact that you don't see any candidates out there who do, exposes your lack of understanding of politics in general, and average conservative Americans in particular.

Once again take good look at what you are saying, because you are guaranteeing Culver's reelection!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Social moderates are dancing in the streets today, now that same sex marriage has been made legal in Iowa. Moderates, thanks for your decisive, and passionate defense of a culture that has proven to be the most loving and productive institution in the history of man. Your anything goes attitude will pay off big in future years. Your respect for the common American Families way of life, that hundreds of thousands of Americans in the past have died to protect, is evident, in the way you stood up to protect the institution that God had put together and that no man is allowed to tear asunder.

The only explanation for this attitude of the social moderates I can come up with is they are in the business that will benefit from same sex marriage. Lets see, well there should be a boost in the wedding planning industry right off the bat. Maybe you could start one of those Las Vegas style chapels out by the Des Moines airport so they can fly in get married and fly out in one day!! Then think of the boom in the divorce business, same sex partners tend to make more money than heterosexual couples so lawyers will be able to do more divorces for cash than they are now.

Oh and here is a good side effect for you Fiscally conservative, but Socially liberal people. By encouraging the risky behavior of homosexuality you will be able to put more patients in the health care system than there already are, increasing demand, and raising cost. Yes indeed you really thought this out!! All because you lacked the guts ,or rather considered yourself too sophisticated, to defend a lifestyle you would never choose or want your children to choose. CONGRATULATIONS!!

Well in the fine Iowa tradition of taxing or charging a fee for all legal activity that the state does not approve of (i.e. smoking,etc) which I do not smoke my self. I propose the State Legislature propose a bond of $1,000 on all same sex marriages performed in Iowa, to be held in lieu of the results of a referendum on permanently banning same sex marriage in Iowa. The bond will be returned if the referendum comes out in favor of same sex marriage. If not the State will keep the money. A $1,000 is a pretty cheap wedding if you think about it. Why shouldn't the state cash in on this? Anything goes right?

I would think this would be a windfall for all of the Socially Moderate, Fiscally Conservative big government lawyers and bankers out there who are working both parties but don't want to impose their personal beliefs on any one. Its just business guys!! Anything goes!!

This same sex marriage, anything goes attitude, really exposes what has happened to our economy, when we are willing to consider that marriage is something other than God made it, doesn't it follow that our business judgement would follow the same course? Anything goes, the fundamentals don't count, I am willing to accept anything as common, as long as i want to call it that.

So thanks again Socially moderate Republicans your appointment of two Iowa Supreme Court members who voted for this, and lack of leadership to make a ban of same sex marriage get through the legislature, is a stunning legacy that future generations will look back on and say THEY WERE GREAT AMERICANS!!

Monday, February 23, 2009


It has been sometime since I a have posted, I have been taking in much of the disaster that is becoming America. That's negative thinking you say? Well lets take a look at thinking negatively.

The best example I have seen of thinking negatively is the plane crash in the Hudson River. I watched the interview of the pilot and I believe what saved all of his passengers, was his preparation for something he hoped would never happen. He said he saw where a pilot had tried to land an Air India plane on the ocean and it didn't work out and the plane broke up. So since then he had studied, and practiced in his glider the proper way to land a plane with out power, and as smoothly as possible. He had the procedure down to where he was starting to give lectures about it. Now what if he had said that a wreck like is too negative of a possibility to happen to me and never prepared? Allot of people including him self would be dead right now. His negative thinking worked out in a positive way.

Now lets look at the disaster that is becoming the American economy, and the taking away of our children's freedom. How is it negative to say that the wreck less spending that our government has done since last August isn't going to work? Do we have any examples of this working in the past? Haven't we seen year after year, the government slip farther and farther behind on its budget, and incur debt on future generations, that will plainly cause our children to never know the prosperity that past generations have enjoyed?

There is still time 60% of this last spending bill will not be spent until after 2010,now I know the Republican Party is drooling thinking it will be 1994 all over again. Please tell me how you intend to win if you put challengers out there who essentially, say they will do the same thing but not as badly, or expect incumbents who voted for bailouts last fall, and are not voting for them now to explain the change of heart?
The American people are not that dumb. Lets think negatively here, lets up and say that things are not going well, admit to the public that their 401k probably isn't bouncing back very soon, have new faces out there who believe we need to get back to the fundamentals of the constitution. Have incumbents running for reelection who don't have to explain a double standard, and maybe, just maybe the Republic can be saved, along with it our children's future.

You see we have dropped the ball when it comes to them, the vote buying done through the appropriations process, and the total lack of oversight by the press, will have future generations wondering what happened. They will look back on this time and realize they were not loved enough by past generations because we didn't stop to think what will happen if this plan doesn't work. It can be argued that since this has been going on for several generations already, that our predecessors are guilty of this too.

We had a chance to stop it. This country was given to us from past generations to hand over in better shape, or at least the same shape as we received it. We failed to look into the mirror and take responsibility for the things we have done. Just like Captain Sullivan, we had seen crashes in the past but failed to study the problem, and come up with a positive solution through cautious reasoning.

Caution and prudence would have served America in this case, instead of HOPE. Now our children will be left with a tyranny caused by incompetence, more than evil.