Monday, February 23, 2009


It has been sometime since I a have posted, I have been taking in much of the disaster that is becoming America. That's negative thinking you say? Well lets take a look at thinking negatively.

The best example I have seen of thinking negatively is the plane crash in the Hudson River. I watched the interview of the pilot and I believe what saved all of his passengers, was his preparation for something he hoped would never happen. He said he saw where a pilot had tried to land an Air India plane on the ocean and it didn't work out and the plane broke up. So since then he had studied, and practiced in his glider the proper way to land a plane with out power, and as smoothly as possible. He had the procedure down to where he was starting to give lectures about it. Now what if he had said that a wreck like is too negative of a possibility to happen to me and never prepared? Allot of people including him self would be dead right now. His negative thinking worked out in a positive way.

Now lets look at the disaster that is becoming the American economy, and the taking away of our children's freedom. How is it negative to say that the wreck less spending that our government has done since last August isn't going to work? Do we have any examples of this working in the past? Haven't we seen year after year, the government slip farther and farther behind on its budget, and incur debt on future generations, that will plainly cause our children to never know the prosperity that past generations have enjoyed?

There is still time 60% of this last spending bill will not be spent until after 2010,now I know the Republican Party is drooling thinking it will be 1994 all over again. Please tell me how you intend to win if you put challengers out there who essentially, say they will do the same thing but not as badly, or expect incumbents who voted for bailouts last fall, and are not voting for them now to explain the change of heart?
The American people are not that dumb. Lets think negatively here, lets up and say that things are not going well, admit to the public that their 401k probably isn't bouncing back very soon, have new faces out there who believe we need to get back to the fundamentals of the constitution. Have incumbents running for reelection who don't have to explain a double standard, and maybe, just maybe the Republic can be saved, along with it our children's future.

You see we have dropped the ball when it comes to them, the vote buying done through the appropriations process, and the total lack of oversight by the press, will have future generations wondering what happened. They will look back on this time and realize they were not loved enough by past generations because we didn't stop to think what will happen if this plan doesn't work. It can be argued that since this has been going on for several generations already, that our predecessors are guilty of this too.

We had a chance to stop it. This country was given to us from past generations to hand over in better shape, or at least the same shape as we received it. We failed to look into the mirror and take responsibility for the things we have done. Just like Captain Sullivan, we had seen crashes in the past but failed to study the problem, and come up with a positive solution through cautious reasoning.

Caution and prudence would have served America in this case, instead of HOPE. Now our children will be left with a tyranny caused by incompetence, more than evil.