Sunday, April 5, 2009


Social moderates are dancing in the streets today, now that same sex marriage has been made legal in Iowa. Moderates, thanks for your decisive, and passionate defense of a culture that has proven to be the most loving and productive institution in the history of man. Your anything goes attitude will pay off big in future years. Your respect for the common American Families way of life, that hundreds of thousands of Americans in the past have died to protect, is evident, in the way you stood up to protect the institution that God had put together and that no man is allowed to tear asunder.

The only explanation for this attitude of the social moderates I can come up with is they are in the business that will benefit from same sex marriage. Lets see, well there should be a boost in the wedding planning industry right off the bat. Maybe you could start one of those Las Vegas style chapels out by the Des Moines airport so they can fly in get married and fly out in one day!! Then think of the boom in the divorce business, same sex partners tend to make more money than heterosexual couples so lawyers will be able to do more divorces for cash than they are now.

Oh and here is a good side effect for you Fiscally conservative, but Socially liberal people. By encouraging the risky behavior of homosexuality you will be able to put more patients in the health care system than there already are, increasing demand, and raising cost. Yes indeed you really thought this out!! All because you lacked the guts ,or rather considered yourself too sophisticated, to defend a lifestyle you would never choose or want your children to choose. CONGRATULATIONS!!

Well in the fine Iowa tradition of taxing or charging a fee for all legal activity that the state does not approve of (i.e. smoking,etc) which I do not smoke my self. I propose the State Legislature propose a bond of $1,000 on all same sex marriages performed in Iowa, to be held in lieu of the results of a referendum on permanently banning same sex marriage in Iowa. The bond will be returned if the referendum comes out in favor of same sex marriage. If not the State will keep the money. A $1,000 is a pretty cheap wedding if you think about it. Why shouldn't the state cash in on this? Anything goes right?

I would think this would be a windfall for all of the Socially Moderate, Fiscally Conservative big government lawyers and bankers out there who are working both parties but don't want to impose their personal beliefs on any one. Its just business guys!! Anything goes!!

This same sex marriage, anything goes attitude, really exposes what has happened to our economy, when we are willing to consider that marriage is something other than God made it, doesn't it follow that our business judgement would follow the same course? Anything goes, the fundamentals don't count, I am willing to accept anything as common, as long as i want to call it that.

So thanks again Socially moderate Republicans your appointment of two Iowa Supreme Court members who voted for this, and lack of leadership to make a ban of same sex marriage get through the legislature, is a stunning legacy that future generations will look back on and say THEY WERE GREAT AMERICANS!!