Tuesday, November 4, 2008


So I am eating at a Pizza Ranch and they have KWWL-TV on their TVs, so the dinner time crowd can get the news. Hey Sara Palin visited Dubuque today, I was there lets see how the report looks!! A side note I walked up to the reporter and asked her if she was only covering the Palin story today, and if she was interested in any other stories. She paused for a little while not knowing what to say, "Is there some one else here today?" I said yes, Christopher Reed for Senate, and David Hartsuch for Congress, two candidates your viewers will be voting for tomorrow. "Oh well we only are covering Palin, if there is time for those two, we will come over and interview them" Now back to the 6:oo news and there is Sara on the TV, remember we are in the Pizza Ranch so the sound is on mute, all we have is the picture. So we are looking at a photo op here. Who is in the photo op? CHUCK GRASSLEY!! Whats that about? Is Chuck Grassley on the ballot Tuesday? Am I missing something here? There were at least 5 candidates for elective office at that rally. who could have used the face time on the 6:00 news and Chuck Grassley gets the photo op!! Please realize it is nothing personal Chuck, but you have been around awhile and the photo could have been given to some one else who is up for election!! How come victory or Chuck didn't think of that? Right then and there shows what has happened to us, we are not a team of selfless people working for the cause, its all about number one, and the rest can go to hell!!! If things turn out the way they are looking today, we have only one Party to blame. US!! We are so behind the times on how to campaign that its amazing we can get the old Model T going!! You need to have a theme and STICK TO IT!! You need to realize when there is an opportunity to do the right thing, to win an election and do it!! When we have no idea when some one is voting, because of the early voting rules, a strong consistent message will win every time. Since you have no idea when people will be voting the one size fits all campaigning, that doesn't respond to Joe the Plumber is out dated, yes i know it wasn't that many election cycles ago when it worked. Those were the good ole days!! You say we did respond to Joe the Plumber, yes indeed after the damage was done with the bailout vote. Did anyone think that maybe people are leaning Obama because they think he hasn't been in Washington long enough to screw up as much as McCain? We need to face facts the Democrats are more open to new ideas, and new people in the process than we are, they are organized and their organized lieing, is getting harder to beat with disorganized truth!!

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