Sunday, February 21, 2010

Joe Stack Was A Quitter!!

If you are a fan of the old TV Show Kung Fu you will remember the episode where Grasshopper was sitting by a Monkey with his hand caught in a vase. Master Po came by and said "What have we here?" Grasshopper said "This monkey seems to have his hand stuck in this vase and can't get it out, although his wrist seems way to small for the opening." The Master said "Try pulling his hand out." Grasshopper did and indeed it came out. Master Po picked up the vase turned it over and an apple rolled out. Grasshopper said "That's what he was after. The apple and his hand was too big to come out of the vase opening at the same time. That stubborn Monkey has been sitting here all day trying to take the apple out, when all he had to do was turn the vase over." Master Po said " See to it you remain smarter than this Monkey and know when to let go of things that no longer serve you"

Joe Stack's insane reaction to his financial misfortune only goes to illustrate what a quitter he was. If he truly understood America, he would have understood that he could always try again. But he quit on himself, and the broken American system he decided wasn't founded on the Liberty he proclaims to believe in. How this furthered his Micheal Moore, Campaign for Liberty Worldview, by becoming a martyr for those causes is hard to see.

What I believe is missing in the analysis is what can happen when you are a Fiscal Conservative only. Think of it Joe Stack lost his house and fortune, and felt he had nothing left to live for, despite having claimed bankruptcy three times before. Being Fiscally Conservative didn't do him any good here, in fact it probably led to his demise.

How can I say Joe Stack wasn't Socially Conservative? Well Joe told God that Joe's time was up. If he had any Value for Life at all, he would have understood that God tells us when our time is up. Suicide is more than a call for help as the analysts would have you believe. It is a rejection of God's plan for us. There was a reason Joe lost everything, he quit and refused to let God show him. Having been a person who turned a house in before that I could not afford, I have a perspective on it. God was telling me to let go of something that no longer served me. Losing my house actually was a very freeing moment for me. It freed my life up to pursue other things than enslaving myself to a mortgage I could never pay off.

America needs to learn this lesson, every time we raise the debt ceiling, we are enslaving ourselves and future generations to a debt that we all know cannot be paid off. Now how the recognition of Fiscal Conservative policy doesn't run hand and hand with the Social Conservative policy, of a God given Right to Life, and a time tested cultural belief that Marriage is between a man and a woman is hard to see.

Just like losing a house I have in the past voted for candidates who: 1. Were a little weak on Pro Life, and 2. would not tell me they are for Traditional Marriage. But I told myself anyone would be better than what is in there now. Then I sat back and watched them vote in the economic policies that has led to the economy we currently live in, and quite possibly the demise of a way of life that existed for over 200 years.

America has learned to an extent to let go of something that no longer serves them. They are leaving the Republican and Democratic Parties in droves. The question is will they be smart enough to turn the vase over, and not let Fiscal only Conservatives, or certain Libertarians who are not founded in God's Worldview fool them into thinking they are voting for change?

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