Thursday, November 4, 2010

Stagnant State!! Stagnant Results!!

I headed home from the Judge Retention Rally Tuesday Night. My World View had just won. The Rule of Natural Law had been defended. But something didn't feel right.

Today I figured out what it was. The country was looking to return to the fundamentals, through new faces that believe in Common Sense. But the status quo in Iowa is still very much in place.

Let me make this clear the status in Iowa, isn't as quo as it is in Illinois,but it is still status quo just the same. One bizarre development is while the three judges were being fired. The judge who initiated the ruling that caused the removal of the three supreme court judges. Got retained by over 60% of the vote.

It was the eighties all over again in Iowa. Team Ray/Branstad is back. How did this happen? All over the country, and even down ballot in Iowa new faces were getting elected.

Iowa voted to retain an Attorney General that should have been gone along time ago. Everyone needs to lay off Brenna Findley, she ran a good campaign for an office that really most people don't even know exists. The only thing she was guilty of was not having any prosecution experience, and Miller exploited that in the last weeks of the campaign. That weighed heavy with people who do know the office exists, and probably made the difference.

Another bizarre turn. Mike Fitzgerald got retained. Didn't he lose the IPERS money? Matt Schultz won, and he can thank the Tea Party. The Tea Party knew more than any group that his office was in charge of the integrity of the ballot. An issue they are very concerned with.

Iowa's 1st,2nd,and 3rd Congressional Districts remained in Liberal hands. Further proving that Democrats believe in the Rule of Natural Law, that states Marriage is between a man and a woman, and courts, or legislatures for that matter have no right to make a law contrary to that. The judges could not have been thrown out, without voters from these three congressional districts stating that.

As I said before it was the eighties all over again in Iowa. Why? Because this state is stagnant. We are going to lose a Congressional District, because most of the population still living in rural Iowa, are people who voted for Branstad way back when. Their kids have left for other states, or the jobs that kept those communities together left, taking the people with them. Leaving behind laid off workers with no way to replace the lost income. No one lives in rural Iowa anymore who don't have a ton of cash in the bank, or collects a ton of support from the Government.

Iowa is a stagnant state , and because of it, we got stagnant election results Tuesday Night.

What can we do to shake Iowa out of this? I really don't know. The Branstad administration will try to continue the same policies that have led to this stagnation. They will try to bribe out side companies to come into the state, through the states tax base, to create jobs. You will need to hold your newly elected Statehouse person to account. You will need to ask them. What are you doing to keep big Government off your districts back? Bringing more money in from outside of your district, by taking it from someone else's district isn't going to work anymore.

It is obvious the shake up of this stagnation must start with the Republican Party of Iowa. Most of the stagnation I talk about, has been caused by Democrats and their Big Government ideas, and Republicans who see a chance to cash in on it.

Believe it or not the Republican Party is on its way to shaking things up. Matt Strawn, and his staff, and Kraig Paulsen, and Paul Mc Kinley have taken steps this cycle, that should promote policies more responsive to the electorate. They have made the party more customer friendly, and I commend them. The reason this is not so immediately evident, is that many of the County Committees across the state, still think politics is about pot lucks, and dinners instead of getting votes. Matt has started shaking up the stagnation of the Party, and it should start showing up in the years to come.

The reason the Republican Party must lead on this is in the third party vote results. Jonathan Narcisse missed third party status by 500 votes. He is a socially conservative Libertarian. The Libertarian Party of Iowa stuck with their nominee. Eric Cooper got 14,000 votes, and Jonathan got 20,000. If these two were combined Iowa would have an alternative party. As a person who leans very Libertarian, this tells me the Libertarian Party, really doesn't have a Socially Conservative view of the Rule of Natural Law.

The shake up of the stagnation in this state will occur, when the Social Conservatives of the Republican Party, get the Moderates, who really have Socially Conservative World Views to finally speak up and say it. Reagan Democrats have proven they will stand up for Family Values, when the Republican Party gives them a Reagan type candidate. Continuing to Re Reagan RPI needs to be a priority.

Only then will things start to smell better in this state.

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