Tuesday, January 11, 2011

An Open Letter to the Head of One Iowa

Listening to Steve Deace today. He mentioned that the head of One Iowa tweeted the following: Senator Sorenson please stand for the judges and show some respect. This is as close as I can come not seeing the tweet myself.

She was of course referring to the entrance of the remaining four Iowa Supreme Court Justices, as they entered the State House of Representatives, for Governor Culver's fare well State of Iowa Speech.

Well One Iowa girl, you show your ignorance of the separation of powers with such a statement. First off the custom of standing up as members of the other two branches of government parade into the chamber, is meant to be a show of welcome to the guests from the other two branches, by the Legislative Branch, since they are HOSTING the members from the other two branches, for the Constitutionally mandated State of the State Speech by the Governor. Other witnesses of the parade who are not members of the three branches of Government, are at the time of this processional, NOT obligated to stand up and applaud ANYONE who is parading into the chamber, if they so choose. The reasons for this, is that those members of the three branches of Government are the SERVANTS of those witnessing the event. I attended last years speech. I did not stand up for the judges as they came in just like Kent did today. People saw me and I was NOT removed from the chamber. Because at that time, the Supreme Court had already committed a serious malfeasance of office, and did not deserve my approval of them. To remove me for not showing approval of those in service to me, would be a violation of my Constitutional Rights.

Now how is Kent within his rights as a member of the Legislature, to not welcome them as equals? First we need to learn the meaning of honorable, and how it pertains to holding office.

Honorable:worthy of being honored; entitled to honor and respect; "an honorable man"; "led an honorable life"; "honorable service to his country"

Although the word respect is used in this definition, it doesn't apply in this case of a ceremonial event. The members of the three branches of Government hold equal and separate powers in our system. For them to show respect in a regard that applauds one as being the better of the other isn't applicable in this setting. They are ALL there fulfilling their Constitutional duties by attending this speech. Any applause during the processional before is only a welcome plain and simple. When the Governor comes in and everyone applauds they are welcoming him to the chamber. They cannot pay him respect in the regard that he is their better. He is not.

Since all members of the three branches carry the title of Honorable, this is where we get into the meaning of respect. Now since Kent holds the same title as the Judges he is not under any obligation to stand up, welcome and recognize them as Constitutional equals attending the same event. He has already determined that they are not or else he would not be in favor of impeaching them. Impeachment is a method for members of the three branches to police themselves. Once the charges are placed. The judges PEERS will determine if they are eligible to carry the title of Honorable Judge of the Iowa Supreme Court. It is the honorable part of all office holders title that gives them the status of peers. Whether they are in the same branch of Government or not.

Now in the performance of their duties the members of the three branches, are obligated to respect the members of the other three branches, and the power they hold. This is called checks and balances. Also outside of this event. Should Kent meet up with any of these judges, he is obligated to treat them with respect. Not because of their office title, but because God's Law demands we treat our fellow human beings with respect. For Kent not to do that would bring dishonor to himself, and the integrity of the office he holds. But in this setting, in the OFFICIAL performance of their duties. All of the members of the three branches are at their own discernment to decide whether they recognize a member of the other branch who holds the same title and welcome them as guests.

I can't believe you don't understand this One Iowa Girl. Where did you go to school? If you have a college degree you should know this. If they didn't teach that to you in college you need to demand a refund. They failed to train you to be a citizen of the United States. I mean they didn't even teach you that the Iowa Supreme Court judges are not elected officials, but are appointed. Because Deace reports that the end of your tweet was: show some respect for your elected officials.

Once again you fail to understand our system. The Judges are not Kent's betters. They are his equal if he so chooses to recognize them as such. I myself respect my elected officials as human beings, but they are not my betters. I have chosen to entrust in them the power given to me by God, and granted them the authority to govern this land, because I have found them to be HONORABLE.

Please don't feel bad. A prominent Republican mouth piece in the last two weeks thought that the Attorney General's office was in the Executive Branch. You are not alone in being a victim of a bad education system.

While we are on the subject of respect. I urge you to respect the rule of God's Law which states that the activity, and the proposal of marriage between individuals of the same sex is forbidden, and contrary to that law. Your blasphemous campaign to circumvent God's law is promoting the break down of a system that has worked effectively for over 200 years. Please take a refresher course on citizenship.

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