Monday, December 15, 2008


Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

I was enjoying my annual viewing of, Its A Wonderful Life and something struck me. First let me say I own a DVD version of this movie first, because I purely love the movie, and second, I refuse to watch it on NBC with unlimited commercial interruption, and the entire NBC prime time lineup, telling us how much they love the film. The fact that it is a universally conservative film makes it even more sickening, when the liberal prime time stars rave about how much they love it. I wonder if it crosses their minds, this is a pro life film, Quote from Clarence: You see George, you really had a wonderful life! Don't you see what a mistake it was to just throw it away? There is no way the abortion on demand, NBC prime time star, who just told me how much they love this movie, could have seen it, with a line like that in it!!! There goes her NARAL membership!!

Now back to the title of the post, later in the film Uncle Billy loses the $8,000 bank deposit, and George is in trouble with the bank examiner. Keep in mind George and Billy didn't run the place into the ground and grab their large bonuses, and hit the street leaving the stock holders with the empty bag. Not at all, Uncle Billy left it in the rolled up newspaper, he gave back to Old Man Potter, after having a battle of words with him. Uncle Billy honestly misplaced the money, its as simple as that!!! Because of it George is going to jail for theft. WHAT?!!! Where is the bailout money when George needs it?!! If George goes out of business everyone in Bedford Falls will have to crawl to Potter for money. I would say George is too big to fail wouldn't you?
How can George be arrested for innocently losing money he was in charge of? Why didn't the government just print up some money for him so he wouldn't be in trouble?

Here in lies the difference between the world our grand parents lived in back then, and the way things are now. If you were in a position of trust back then, you payed for the betrayal of that trust, even if it was an honest mistake. The reason for that thinking was to promote caution with the people entrusted with the basic welfare of the people of the community, to get them to be prudent in their actions, and their decisions. When they exercised that prudence they were rewarded, with the prosperity they had helped the rest of the community earn. When the rest of the community failed they shared in that failure. That's Leadership!!!

So we will need to have a remake of Its A Wonderful Life, in it George will take over the old building in loan his father founded, negotiate a lucrative salary, with stock options at a guaranteed price. The company must pay that price, no matter what the current value of the stock is when George takes the option. He will then proceed to give out loans to the people of Bedford Falls, at 105% of value of their over inflated homes, the homes are over inflated in value, because the local government cant afford the decreased income, caused by deflated property values. Deflated property values caused by Sam Wainwright taking his plastics factory, with its high paying jobs to China. Meanwhile the remaining industries are receiving large economic incentives to move to Bedford Falls. They are bringing in illegal immigrants, that drive the wage base down so low, that no one can afford to pay for a mortgage. The resulting social services burden caused by jobs that don't pay benefits anymore, has bankrupted Bedford Falls, the housing market collapses, George cashes in his stock options, then negotiates a deal with the Mayor of Bedford Falls, to buy the building and loan, with yet to be collected tax dollars, that the children of Bedford Falls and their children will have to pay. George says he had nothing to do with the failure of the building and loan,during testamony in front a committee hearing, with the Bedford Falls City Council. Then he grabs Mary and they move to Dubai, or a tropical island they find at a bargain price.



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