Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I was stunned by an opinion piece by Maggie Tinsman in the Quad City Times, seems she regards the social conservatives of the Republican Party with very little regard, and from the tone of the article, that disrespect seems to go into the area of hate. Funny thing Maggie, did you turn down any of the votes you got from social conservatives, when you ran for office in the past? How come your concern for the evil social conservatives seems to have shown up now, after you no longer hold office and are a(political consultant) in the same firm with Dick Durbins wife? Lets read this article and reflect on the total ignorance displayed in it:

Let tolerance move GOP back to the mainstream, By Maggie Tinsman | Monday, December 1, 2008 5:40 PM CST | (8) comments
As the Republican party examines the drift to a minority status in both the popular vote and an increasing minority in the Iowa Senate and the Iowa House, one finds the party has been heavily influenced by the religious right/social fundamentalists. The strong Republican core values of past years have been reduced to a lower level of importance. Indeed, Republicans are victims of change. Barriers have been built and litmus tests have been used that have restricted citizen participation and support and have diminished the number of Republicans.

For many years and before the infusion of social fundamentalism, the basic tenets that have carried the party have been:

I am a Republican because…..

n I believe that good government is based on the individual and that each person’s ability, dignity, freedom and responsibility must be honored and recognized.

n I believe in equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity for all regardless of race, creed, age, sex, national origin or disability.

n I believe that free enterprise and the encouragement of individual initiative have brought this nation opportunity, economic growth and prosperity.

n I believe government must practice fiscal responsibility and allow individuals to keep more of the money they earn.

n I believe that the proper role of government is to provide for the people those critical functions that cannot be performed by individuals or private organizations and that the best government is that which governs least.

n I believe that the most effective, responsible and responsive government is closest to the people.

n I believe we must retain the principles that have made us strong while developing new and innovative ideas to meet the challenges of changing times.

n I believe that Americans value and should preserve our national strength and pride while working to extend peace, freedom and human rights throughout the world.

Finally, I believe that the Republican Party is the best vehicle for translating these ideals into positive and successful principles of government. These principles incorporate mainstream Republicanism, concentrating on limited government, fiscal responsibility, strong defense, individual rights and a government that is conservative and tolerant to all.

Will we Republicans embrace good government for all, regardless of gender, minority group, age, or faith? We must appeal to all women, Hispanics and other minority groups, young people, working men and women, all income categories of families and retired citizens, many of whom have either left the Republican Party or have felt unwelcomed by the Republican Party. How will we expand and encourage new people, as well as former Republicans, to embrace the Republican Party?

Having served as both a Scott County supervisor and an Iowa state senator for almost 30 years, I care deeply about Iowa and about America. Growing up in the Quad-Cities and having been married for 50 years provides me with a strong family foundation and a realization of the vast opportunities available in this great nation. Hopefully, one day, my grandchildren will enjoy an equally satisfying adulthood. However, as a mother and grandmother, a retired elected official, a community volunteer, and political consultant, I am concerned about the problems and issues faced right here in the heartland. I want this area to hear a tolerant political philosophy. I believe in helping people help themselves within a budget, and I believe strongly in a limited government that protects individual rights and prevents government from intruding into our private lives. Those tenets include values that have guided my life and my public service. They stem from a Republican philosophy, consistent with the Constitution that many people have forgotten or have never known. Let us, Republicans, reach out to people with tolerance and understanding and recapture the broad base. The return of the traditional mainstream multi-faceted Republican Party is worth fighting for in order to address critical issues facing our state and our nation. Let us choose change at once!

Former state Sen. Maggie Tinsman serves on the Iowa State Board of Health. She lives in Bettendorf.

First off the strong Republican core values you talk about Maggie are social values. They are the only thing that separates us, from the Democratic Party. Defending life, marriage, and the traditional American Family are the things we Republicans do best, and we win elections when defend them. Please explain to us the barriers, and litmus tests you have found the social conservatives of this party apply to determine whether one is a conservative or not!!! INTOLERANT!! Please!! We have tolerated allot from candidates for office, who latched on to Reagan's greatness, talked like he did but couldn't walk the talk when it came time to deliver. Back to the litmus tests, seems to me you have put a litmus test on people. Anyone who believes in the traditional social values of this country is being an intolerant bigot, in your view.
To make it even worse you seem to think that women, minorities, and other groups of people too numerous to mention, don't share the same values of the social conservatives of this party. Please explain to me in your professional political consultant, Dick Durbin loving way, how the marriage initiatives in states Barrack Obama won passed so largely, especially with the very groups you say we are driving away from the Republican Party? Finally don't bring up the constitution here, the same old liberal separation of church and state thing is dried up, and no one believes it. The constitution protects the rights of people of all faiths to participate the political process, there is no one in America who believes different other than atheists, and lawyers who enjoy collecting fees for suing public entities, over the separation of church and state clause.

You are guilty of the same intolerance, and insensitivity you accuse the social conservatives of. I took this article as an out and out hatred of me,and other people who think like me, by you and I am sure I am not alone. You know, when you and your friends were in the majority in this party, the social conservatives were good sports and supported you guys through the election process, now that the shoe is on the other foot, your coalition of moderates don't seem to show the same character, it is quite a shame. It is your way of thinking that squandered the legacy Reagan left you and this Party. If you and the rest of the moderates who might be socially conservative in your private life, but cant seem to come up with the courage to stand up for those principles publicly, maybe you need to look at the Democratic Party, If hanging out with us riff raff is unappealing to you. By the way I haven't been to church in years!! Don't think we cant replace you, there are plenty of disgruntled Republicans in the Constitution, and Libertarian Parties you, drove away, that would love to come back.

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