Monday, August 8, 2011

America: Gone With the Wind?

I am a fan of Classic Movies. TCM is my favorite cable channel. Occasionally I run across some one younger than I that likes them to. But they are few and far between. It really is a shame too. Because I have learned allot from those old movies over the years.

Well the movie in the case I am talking about happened to be Gone With the Wind. In discussing the movie with this person. I mentioned the opening. Which I feel is way more instructive, and a lesson in history, than the famous Clark Gable quote the movie is made famous by.

I believe many times, those who have watched the movie, watch that opening and rarely think of what it truly means. Here is the opening statement that appears on the screen:

There was a land of Cavaliers and Cotton Fields called the Old South. Here in this pretty world, Gallantry took its last bow. Here was the last ever to be seen of Knights and their Ladies Fair, of Master and of Slave. Look for it only in books, for it is no more than a dream remembered, a Civilization gone with the wind..

Wow. I can't help but think at this moment in time. Is America Gone With the Wind?

Can it be said that the America many of us grew up in has made it's last bow? Does the Gallantry that existed from World War II. A generation that saved the world. Still mean anything in this country today?

We are facing a breakdown of the family unit in this country. That is leading to unrest, crime, and a cultural change. That no longer encourages young men, to be the Gallant Gentlemen they should be as father's, and husbands.

But the most haunting part of this from Gone With the Wind. Is the last part.

Look for it only in books, for it is no more than a dream remembered, a Civilization gone with the wind

America has not been economically secure for a number of years, and it is coming home to roost. The S@P downgrading our credit rating is really the best thing that has happened to us in a long time. Some one is finally saying. Stop the madness. Stop weakening our stance in the World Economically.

Stabilizing America's economy must be done now. No matter how pain full it will be. Too much is at stake. Take a look at America's enemies today. Should we become subservient to them. Will they allow the dream that was America, to be remembered in books, like the opening of Gone with the Wind, says we should look for about the Old South?

No where else in history has an enemy conquered it's foe, and allowed it to have a recorded history like the North did for the South. To keep the memory of a culture alive. It has to be passed from generation to generation form word of mouth or recoded history. Please name for me an enemy of America who will allow it to still be a memory in the history of man.

Russia, China, North Korea? Can we trust them to say. Yes we own you. But if you still want to have some form of the culture you used to have. That is OK. I mean we don't censor our own people.

Fundamentalist Islamic Governments. Will they allow the dream that America was to exist in recorded history, when they have control over our sovereignty? Everyone knows how multicultural those countries are.

So I think we can pretty much come to the conclusion that the memory of the civilization, that once was America, will not be allowed to be looked for in books, or other forms of recording history.

What about a dream remembered? A dream remembered would be the ability of generation after generation of Americans, to tell the story of what America once was. Before it fell economically to the Communists, and Islamic Fundamentalists.

Here lies the other tragedy facing this country. An education system that no longer teaches the heritage of America, and the self reliance that making things with ones own hands brings to a nation.

It is all right here:

How can we expect an entire generation of College Graduates who are failing history. To communicate the principles, of a nation that may not exist anymore? When they cannot begin to learn, and retain the knowledge of that history? How does that get communicated from generation to generation by mouth, if the recorded history of that culture has been disposed of?

Yes we are in trouble. But it is not too late. There is a plan out there that will solve our fiscal crisis, and get us on the track to start paying this debt (the very threat to the freedom of future generations)off starting in 2018.

Go to Strong America Now.

Learn about a proven method, that will cut wasteful government spending, and preserve freedom for Future Generations, that we have enjoyed in our lifetimes, and has been paid for with the Sweat and Blood of our Forefathers.

Lets get this done!! Before America truly becomes a civilization. GONE WITH THE WIND!!

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