Monday, January 16, 2012

Profit or Greed?

I have listened to the media call me a socialist-liberal because I happen to agree with Newt Gingerich, and Rick Perry's view on capitalism. Both Limbaugh, and Beck, have come out defending Bain Capital's form of Capitalism, along with the rest of the media.

Less than a month from a Christmas Season, where we all watched George Bailey fight the greedy Mr Potter, and we don't seem to have learned the lesson.

In the Alistair Sim version of a Christmas Carol, Jacob Marley comes to Fizziwig, and tells him about new methods to increase profit, and productivity. Fizzwig responds. Jacob, those things may all be true, but there is more to business than just profit. It is also a way of life, and if that way of life is to become outdated and die, then let it die with me.

There hasn't been a town, or pension fund touched by the type of capitalism Bain Capitol represents. Have they closed down factories and sent those jobs to China? I don't know. How come we aren't discussing this? Instead all we hear is that Newt and Perry are anti Capitalists. Did Bain raid companies just to shut them down, and grab the companies largest asset, its pension plan? I don't know. How come we aren't discussing this?

Sixty six percent of this countries GDP is sitting in one of the banks on Wall Street. Are we comfortable with that? Is that what we want? There are all kinds of questions that come up from this, and all we are getting for answers from the Bain side of this is that Newt, and Perry are Anti-Capitalist.

In Luke 12:15 greed is described as such:

And He said to them, “Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.”

One thing that finally came out this weekend, was the fact that many of the college endowment,and peoples 401k, ( including IPERS) are invested in these funds. People's retirements are underfunded, and tuition keeps going up. Is this a result of Bain's form of Capitalism? I don't know. How come the media isn't talking about it?

My favorite economist is Dr Walter E. Williams. He describes how our economic system works. He says we earn our profits by serving our fellow man. Let's say you need your lawn mowed. A person knocks on your door, and asks if they can mow your yard. They mow your yard and you give them $10. That person takes that $10 to the grocery store to buy meat. The butcher asks. "How do I know you have served your fellow man today?" The person says " I have this $10 for mowing this guys yard."

I think if we ask most Americans, that is how they look at capitalism. I don't know about you but that doesn't sound very socialist to me. That is the Gold Standard of wealth. Under Dr Williams economic model the person who mowed your yard would make $10 a day and save one dollar of it. Saving a dollar a day would add up overtime, and make one wealthy.

Now under Bain's form of Capitalism. Your yard tech would take that dollar, send it to them, and they would invest it to make more money than the Tech is capable of making,and saving in a day. Now if they are making an honest effort to serve their fellow man, I guess this would be ok. But all of us know that these funds, on occasion, attack companies for the hostile act of taking them over. This happened to Casey's General Store last year. How much profit did the stock holders lose, because the Casey's management had to take measures to fend off that attack? Has Bain owned companies that competed in the same industry,at the same time, as companies that Bain took over and closed? I don't know. All I hear is Newt and Perry and I are Anti-Capitalist.

Another thing we are not discussing is the ethics of making money. Prostitution is legal and profitable in Nevada. I guess that is ethical to make your money that way. Many people got rich in the South from Slavery. It was legal and profitable. I guess that was ethical. Through out the history of this country we have had standards of what is an ethical way to make profits. Have we thrown those standards away?

In 2008 40% of the Evangelical Vote went to Obama. Are we going to get the vote back by promoting profit at all cost? Are we going to get that vote back by rejecting a tradition of profits built on the foundation of serving your fellow man?

Yes Bain's form of capitalism is a new modern method of increasing productivity, and of course taxable income for an out of control government that needs more and more taxes. But is it attacking a way of life, that is really the most unique and prosperous in the history of man?

I am a Rush 24/7 and GBTV member and I am really offended that all I have been hearing this last week is that Newt, Perry, and I are socialists when we all agree with the economic model that one of Rush's guest host espouses,and the Biblical World View Beck is trying to bring back to this country. Too bad they got off course this last week. Too bad I have to come up with questions about this that I have relied on them to come up with. Maybe like Romney I will need to fire a business that gives me bad service.

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