Thursday, September 9, 2010

Culture War Lost?

Bill OReilly talks all of the time of the Culture War going on in America today. The moral compass OReilly and many Americans grew up with seems to be spinning out of control. There seems to be no direction, other than the change that Obama has promised the American people.

Furthering this agenda is the trend that the Republicans are heading for a big win this November. Its 1994 all over again. It sure is.

After two years of Bill Clinton. The American people were ready to slow him down. He was implementing change too quickly, and endangering Americas Cultural Heritage as a moral country. Anyone but a Clinton crony. The Contract for America laid out good ideas to solve problems America was facing. Candidates who signed onto it got elected in droves. We asked ourselves. Did that candidate believe in the Defense of the unborn? Well, maybe he is a little soft on that. But we need change, we need that Democrat out. Did the Republican I am voting for give me a clear statement on his position of what marriage should be? Well he is a little soft on that but we need change.

In the race for Iowas Governors Office, Iowans have been given the choice of two incumbents. One with four incompetent years of service, the other with sixteen years of relatively competent service, FISCALLY.

This is leaving Social Conservatives out in the cold. Past compromises Gov Branstad has made on cultural issues, has made him an unacceptable alternative, to the other candidate who may not even have the integrity that Gov Branstad has. Make no mistake, I have no trouble with Gov Branstad personally. I think he is a good person, with personal convictions that are Socially Traditional, but he has set them aside in order to Govern. This is a result of being in office too long. This is a compelling reason for term limits. Public service is supposed to be service not a career.

The tactic for Social Conservatives in Iowa this fall, is to get as many Social Conservatives elected as possible down ballot, to off set the Social Moderate gains the Republican establishment will make, because the money that got their Democrat opponent in office, realize that they need to play the other side of the aisle this cycle.

This maybe a major set back in the Culture War. Although the battle at the top of the ticket seems lost, they believe they can still keep the cause alive through down ballot victories. Social Conservatives need to get into the Governors race immediately.

I was listening to Rush yesterday, and he was talking about New York's 1st Congressional District, where a solidly conservative candidate he supports was given a primary opponent, by the Washington establishment. WHAT? The Republican establishment is confronting the leader of the Revolution of 1994? YES It has changed that fast. The Republican establishment is no longer lead by people who want Ronald Reagan, or Barry Goldwater conservatives in it. They are now part of a ruling class that believes themselves above American cultural tradition. Here in Iowa the confidence of a victory for the ruling class, is starting to show in the grass roots.

Already there have been instances of candidates who are Republican nominees for down ballot races being slighted by the Branstad establishment. They are either being dis invited to fund raisers. Or showing up at events and not being introduced when they were introduced the last time the event was held. They are basically being ignored if they come down too hard on those divisive social issues, that have been a cornerstone of America Culture.

To Iowa's Social Conservatives. The strategy of getting socially conservative candidates in down ballot is not going to work. You are not going to get enough of them in to have any effect on the power play that is State Government. The power is in the Governors office. There is a candidate I have found has the World View we are looking for to defend traditional American Culture. He is Jonathan Narcisse. If we can rally behind him. It is possible a victory can still be had for us. If not at least we can get close enough to make Branstad consider our way of thinking. The Branstad campaign has made an attempt to reach out to us because they know they need us. We all know once the election is over it will be the same thing again. They will not need us til the next election.

So please get on board to help Jonahtan Narcisse. He is the one candidate in the Governors race who is carrying our banner. Branstad is going to be the winner in a Culver, Branstad race. If Branstad wins big he will grab the mandate of that big win, and run rough shod over any candidate you get in down ballot. Life will be very rough for them up on the hill in Des Moines. So much so they may not run for reelection.

The front line of the culture war is Iowa. You have less than 60 days to keep that fight alive. If the election is held right now. The culture war is over, and the change Obama promised is on its way, with no chance to stop it.

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