Saturday, September 25, 2010

Colbert Needs to Pledge

Republicans made a good move in coming out with something of substance this week in their Pledge to America. Many people are wondering if the Republican leadership may have had their fingers crossed behind their backs.

To tell you the truth. I don't know. We have seen this before. Anyone remember 1994? But we do need to remember many of the people on the press conference were not there in 1994. If they were, they should have been Term Limited long ago. But that is another column.

I think we need to give the current leadership a break and see what happens. One thing that does concern me though, was the members of the press conference. I didn't see Steve King, Michele Bachmann, Duncan Hunter Jr, John Culbertson, Louie Gomert, etc. People I totally trust about their values. I do like Mike Pence. I do believe he is solid on his values. But I would also say he was the only one, that I could give that status too.

It is almost like he was a token appointment to the house leadership team. Some one that the base really trusts, that the elites think can keep the rabble of the party under control and on the team.

Yes, I like the pledge, I liked the Contract in 1994 also. So Republican leadership, please keep both hands in front of you for now on.

Stephen Colbert is a leader on public opinion? Give me a break. Colbert, I think you need to take a pledge, and pledge to never go to Washington again and waste the Tax Payer's employees time, and our money. Your defense of the status quo for our illegal immigration problem, by making fun of those who want a change, was despicable. How do I know this? CNN thought you were funny. That is proof enough.

Maybe they don't have an immigration problem in Beverly Hills. But you insulted the Patriots that want to defend and preserve this country, by calling them racists who don't want to do manual labor. You are the joke. Go back to back to your Comedy Channel, and the fantasy that is your life.

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