Friday, September 3, 2010

The Girls Know When It Is Over First

After a hectic week of moving into a different house. I got a chance to catch up on my pod casting. For years I have labored in the Grass Roots for the Republican Party. I carried the party banner, and took jobs the party establishment would't do anymore. This last primary season has made me realize I am a Rino. I am a Registered Republican, but the Republican Party of Ronald Reagan I believe in doesn't exist anymore.

The person who made me realize this was Jen Green. Like my self she had been in the Grass Roots for allot of years, and Ken Mehlman coming out of the closet was the last straw. Mehlman the former Chair for the Bush campaign, and long time Republican operative, admitted he was gay and was working against the social conservatives in the Republican Party to stop their agenda. This was enough for Jen. She was out of this relationship. She was issuing a restraining order by changing her voter registration.

She is right, many of us for years have looked at the party platform, and voted for the Republican nominee, even though that nominee didn't seem to believe in our platform. I am still, at this moment wondering if I should change my registration. There are Republican candidates on the ballot that do believe in the platform, that I want to vote for, and support. They are not Republican establishment though. Just like the guy in a broken relationship, who wants to keep trying even though it hasn't been good for a long time. I feel a need to try again. She has forgiven him when he has been in the wrong, and he has shown his appreciation for that, by continuing the behavior she has forgiven him for. She has finally given up on him and he can't understand why. :)He just knows if we try one more time, it will all be fine. He keeps coming around and she has to get a restraining order.

Listening to Vicki Stogdill on The Deace Show podcast, is another example of the girls know it is over first. Having been a long time activist, and married to a man who owned a long established small business, she for years thought the Republican Party, she was in support of, had the values she had. It was socially conservative, and a defender of small Main Street businesses. She had never seen many of the corporate donations both parties were collecting, from corporations that were actually in favor of sending jobs overseas, and shutting down main street, and move those businesses to the Mall. She is running for the Statehouse as an Independent. She is not going to keep taking the abuse anymore.

I remember the first time I was wondering if the Republican Party was an adversary of the Democratic Party, or a partner in a WWF sanctioned wrestling match where the winner was predetermined. At the Republican National Convention in Minneapolis we were at a breakfast sponsored by an Indian Casino Group from the Southwestern United States. Our host the President of the Group, admitted he had been in Denver the week before, and hosted a breakfast for the Democrats. I should have caught on then. But hey I am a guy. We aren't quitters.

So thanks Jen and Vicki for being the strong women the feminist movement wants women to be. But always condemn if they aren't Democrats. To you guys out there waiting for the restraining order. I leave you with the words of that great philosopher Groucho Marx.

Man does not control his own fate. The women in his life do that for him.
Groucho Marx

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