Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Change is Coming?

Last nights election results was a victory for common sense traditional American Conservatives. Is change on the way? Maybe nationwide. But in Iowa?

On the same night the establishment took a huge hit nationally, an ugly display of the Iowa Political establishment in the form of the Governor's Debate took place. At least that is what I am taking from a Des Moines Register report, that I do not doubt for one minute is accurate. It is.

I must admit. I did not see the debate. I spent the debate time in a meeting, for my local statehouse candidate, who still believes in service to his community. I suspect I was not alone across the state.

The Governors race, and the nominees both parties have produced, reflects a disconnect with the general public, and further endangerment of Iowa losing its first in the nation Presidential status. After all how can we expect cutting edge Conservative Presidential Candidates to come here if the Iowa Republican electorate isn't reflective of the change that is obviously echoing across the nation?

Americans are interested in solutions to the problems facing our society. Our children's inheritance is being mortgaged, in the name of temporary job creation, that no one can even begin to buy a house with. We are seeing a decline in basic government services, despite paying more in taxes for them. This big, bloated, ineffective government, the establishment of both parties has produced is, also circumventing our unalienable rights, and under mining the corner stone of our society, the American Family.

After last night change is coming. But what of Iowa? Is this the best we can do for the public debate of our Governors race? Have we allowed our political system to become a reality TV show? We are in need of ideas not the scripted rhetoric of Professional Wrestling.

There are two more debates yet. There is still time to have an open conversation about the issues facing our state. Jonathan Narcisse should be allowed in the debates.

The fact that the debate seemed to turn in to a family squabble between two siblings, gives legs to the criticism many are making that the two parties are in bed with each other.

Iowa needs to wake up. Change is coming. Let Narcisse in the debates. Let freedom ring.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was embarrassing for Iowans.