Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Broken Pledge?

Until Thursday Night this week. I had never been to a Tea Party meeting. I enjoyed meeting people outside the World of the Two Parties, who seemed more interested in improving our government, rather than being an influential member of a political party.

The Republican's Pledge to America seemed to be a recognition of how fast the people in this meeting had gained influence by going outside the party establishment. By not playing the game, but changing the way the game was played. I was in a room with a movement that created the equivalent of the forward pass in football.

No longer was the party establishment able to grind out public discourse yard by yard. No longer will they clog up the middle, for no gain. The Tea party has thrown a screen pass around them, or went long down field on first and ten, caught them flat footed, and scored. The Pledge seemed to confirm that.

Then something happened. First District Congressional Candidate Ben Lange came in, and the group gave him some time for a speech.

Ben seems to be doing well. You can't go anywhere in Eastern Iowa with out seeing one of his signs. He is up against the Democrats sacred cow Bruce Braley, the apprentice to the Sith Lord Harkin.The man who will literally be the figure head leader, of the Democratic Party in Iowa after this election.

Ben tells us about his new ad. Which can be seen here.

I had not seen the ad at the time. When I got home and watched it, I was very,very impressed. There is the message. There is the spirit we need. Ben is right it isn't about Republicans and Democrats. It is about doing the right thing. At last someone gets it. Braley is on his way to the meat locker.

But hold on. During his speech. The one that Ben tells us about his new ad, he mentions that he is receiving some bad emails about it. I figure wow he really has the Democrats worried. WRONG!! The nasty emails are coming from the RNC, WHAT!! They don't like the bipartisanship expressed in the ad. Ben isn't promoting the label. ( My words.) They don't like that it isn't about Republicans and Democrats.

I am dumb founded. Didn't the leadership just Pledge to Work for America first? Who didn't get the memo about that at the RNC?

A little over a week and the Republicans have broke the Pledge. Or maybe the Pledge was designed to manipulate the Tea Party? Something about this is very fishy or my name isn't Lattimer, and it isn't. Could the RNC really have lied to America? If they haven't. Why hasn't the rest of the RNC got on board on the policy? How can the Republicans implement their pledge, when they can't get the whole team organized, to change a major philosophy for the party.

Oh I get it parties don't believe in philosophy any more. They believe in science. Money+Polling+Organization= Winning Message. The issues really don't matter. We don't need to listen to what people want. We have scientifically determined what they want to hear.

Ben Lange has shown he is listening. He has stepped up and said I can do this for you. He isn't saying you NEED me to do this for you. That is the difference between selfless service, and self service.

The RNC broke their Pledge to America by condemning Ben's message.

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