Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Common Cause A Common Heritage

Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally has shown us America, and the vision of the Founding Fathers is still alive and can pull us through as it has in the past.

It is obvious to me, being a Beck fan from his CNN days, (It was the ONLY show I watched on CNN) that after one year of the 912 Project being in place, that it wasn't what Beck had envisioned. Many Social Moderates and Non Intervention foreign policy activists had infiltrated the 912 Groups, and that is not what Beck wanted. 912 had reminded us of our common cause Freedom. But it hadn't reminded us of our common Heritage. The Rule of Natural Law.

The rally and the Friday Night event Divine Destiny was a clarification by Beck that the problem is more than an attack on freedom in our Government. It is the attack of our Cultural Heritage that is the problem.

By recreating the I Have a Dream speech Martin Luther King Jr gave 47 years ago. Beck reminded us of when this country had basically attained the vision of the Founding Fathers. Until Martin Luther King Jr., not all Americans had the unalienable Rights communicated to us through the bible. There was segregation and inequality for the community King was in. They were not given the same rights of participation in our Government, yet they were required to obey the same laws.

Alverda Kings speech confirmed to us that her Uncle truly was a conservative, and Poverty Pimps like Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson have usurped his legacy, and perverted the meaning of his movement. Ms. King's defense of traditional marriage, and the unborn, and her statement that her uncle would not agree to anything else but a defense of those two fundamentals of our society. Has brought us back to the common Heritage expressed in the original speech 47 years ago.

That common heritage, especially the ability to worship God in your own way is what draws us all together. The Defense of those around the World who are not granted those unalienable rights is the main mission of the United States Military. Many Non Interventionists would say that the Founding Fathers warned about getting involved in Foreign entanglements. I would say they warned about getting into the wrong Foreign Entanglements. Making sure the Freedom we bring for others, is the Freedom we enjoy here. I believe that was effectively portrayed Friday Night and Saturday Morning. There were many examples of Veterans who have put their lives on the line for their fellow man. Should we only Liberate Countries who follow our Diversity of Religious expression? I don't believe so. But if by liberating them, they adopt our Diversity. Then so be it. A theocracy chosen out of Freedom, is better than one chosen by tyranny. Would you not agree?

Because America is not a theocracy, sometimes we run into conflict about theology. Many in the Evangelical Community has criticized Beck for not believing in Jesus Christ. Beck states that he does. Only he and God knows, and the attacks on him were unfair. I believe the interpretation of the Bible by Evangelicals is correct. I also believe the Founding Fathers intended followers of all Religious faiths, that believe in the Rule of Natural Law were to be citizens.

Are atheists American Citizens? I would say yes. Are they UN American? Well if they do not believe in the Rule of Natural Law, and at least concede that it is the rock this country is built on. I would say yes. This country is founded on the Rule of Natural Law. To not at least acknowledge that. Is to deny the purpose of America in itself. I believe you can acknowledge the rule of Natural Law and not necessarily be a Christian. The Constitution was written for that expressed purpose. The Diversity of Religious beliefs showcased this weekend confirms that. I did not hear any of leaders reject the Constitution because it may be based on Biblical principles.

The other awesome part of the weekend, especially Sunday. Was the pronouncement of American exceptional ism and accomplishment. By having the rally by the reflecting pool, Beck reminded us it is the duty of every generation, to take on the hard tasks and solve problems, so the next Generation doesn't have to.

Our two party system has let us down. It is nominating candidates in a manner of the elitism our founding fathers left Europe for, and many Americans have paid the ultimate sacrifice to prevent. The two party system no longer does honor, to the very heritage, and honorable sacrifice the people of America are expecting of it. This is evidenced by the economic tricks both parties seem to be immersed in, and the refusal to change that policy, despite the fact they know they are leading us down the road to economic Armageddon.

The solution for us and our children, is to pick out the very few public servants still left who believe in the rule of Natural Law. Perhaps it is necessary for an Alternative Party to do this. So far a third party movement has not been effective. Why? Most of them neglect to recognize the honorable mission of the United States Military. I am sorry, the troops are the policy. You can't support the troops, and not support what they do. Many who do support the troops, are Socially Moderate, like a McCain or John Kerry. They overlook cultural norms that preserve the family and promote freedom. They think because they have their family unit intact, what ever happens in our country, cannot affect them. After all they are the ruling class we are not.

This weekend was an enormous start to Restoring Honor. By restoring Honor we will Restore Our Country. The 912 and Tea Party movements need to decide if they are being served in a two party system that has yet to catch on to the fact that Americans believe in the Institution of Traditional Marriage, and Defense of Unborn Life. They also believe their fellow man deserves to live that way, by sending their children over seas to Defend Freedom.

I urge all in the 912 and Tea Party movement to think this over hard. You got credit for getting Scott Brown elected, and he has ended up being part of the ruling class. Until you unite on the Social Rule of Natural Law, and the Defense of unalienable rights defended and advanced by our military. What happened this weekend will go for naught.

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