Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Convention and Varnum Revenge

There is quite a debate going on right now over the possibility of a State Constitutional Convention, and the Judge Retention Vote. The two are interrelated, but it is leading to some interesting voting trends the year.

I voted FOR the Convention because I believe it will be a vehicle that will lead to some permanent solutions, to problems we are having in this state. I also voted no on EVERY judge on the ballot. But, not out of the Varnum Revenge that the Pro Retention, and Judiciary Ruling Class claims.

I have been voting every judge out for a number of years now. If I had a relative who was a judge. I would vote that relative out, simply to get them back to earning an honest living. All joking aside. The best way to keep our system clean is to Term Limit everyone. The judge retention vote is how the judges are term limited. I believe in giving We the People more power, by letting their duly elected Governor choose whether any sitting judge should be reappointed. Which of course we do need to change that selection process, since it truly does not serve We the People. A Convention is a good way to change that process.

The Judge retention vote, is the beginning battle, in whether we are going to follow the US Constitution or not. It is Un Constitutional for people to take titles of Nobility in this country. Since anyone with a legal degree, becomes an Esquire, we are talking about a Judicial Branch that is seeking to institute a ruling, or aristocratic class of people, our ancestors left their homelands to get away from.

To my Non Interventionist friends. Since I probably do not need to take my shoes off, to count the number of countries in this world that are Republics based on the Rule of Natural Law. For us to not stand up for that principle World Wide, is simply not who we are. Who will stick up for current legal immigrants who have come here for the same reasons that our founders did? Immigrants from Iraq, Afghanistan, China, North Korea, Viet Nam, come to mind off hand.

Well back on topic. Sorry. To simply state that one judge is more talented than another judge smacks of elitism in itself. The basic requirement to be a judge is a fundamental faith in the word of God, and Common Sense. These two tools are all a judge needs to rule on the Constitutionality of Law. Since we are getting rulings, that either violate the Rule of Natural Law, or doesn't make any Common Sense, I would say the Judicial Branch needs to clean its own house. These Judicial Branch problems are happening, because we are not selecting Judges on merit, but on Heritage.

This election on November 2nd is only another chapter in this war on the separation of powers, the Three Branches of Government were devised to ensure that We the People lived in Freedom. The outcomes on November 2nd will only lead to further confrontation from two different World Views of what Government and our Society was intended to be.

Don't commit Varnum Revenge. Vote ALL of the judges out. Term Limit anyone who has been in their current office over four terms. Only then can we start down the path to a Government that serves We the People.

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