Wednesday, October 13, 2010

An Open Letter to the JCRCC

Dear Jackson County Republican Central Committee

Before you kick me off your committee. I resign. I should have resigned a long time ago, but for some reason, I thought things may eventually change.

So you are Kicking me off for supporting a non Republican Governor candidate. That candidate is the ONLY non republican I have been supporting. I have voted absentee this year, and openly supported every Republican who has not served or will serve over four terms in office. I believe in Term Limits. It is the biggest reason I am not supporting our nominee.

I thought the Republican party was a big tent. Obviously it is not. The very fact that there is a bylaw restricting members from openly campaigning for non party candidates indicates that. Come to think of it. Is there a bylaw? My understanding is that there is only one copy of the bylaws, and they have been under revision for three years. The one copy that we supposedly have, is never brought to the monthly meetings. The revision has been permanently on the meeting agenda every month, since someone pointed out that there really is no copy of them for anyone to refer to.

The thing I find really cowardly is you would send me a certified letter notifying me of this. One member did try to talk to me about this, but must have been told not to.

Now the rule you are talking about, I have seen in other counties rules, and you did hand out some piece of paper with it, and other non sense on it. But I don't recall a vote to adopt it by the local committee. The chairperson said, these where passed by the State Central Committee, and we had no choice but to follow them. Which if you recall I did not agree with. I don't agree with it.Also I do recall on that list that a member can be kicked off if they don't attend three meetings in a row. I have only been to one regular meeting this year (last winter), and one special convention. I should have been kicked off long ago.

I keep hearing the Republican party is a big tent. How can we be a big tent, if we do not allow for freedom of speech among our leaders? The unwritten policy of neutrality during primaries is also non sense. It is another unwritten by law, that is not written down, so it can be violated when some one in leadership wants to violate it. If the Republican Party is a big tent, our leaders should all be able to express their opinions, especially in primaries, and we should all respect each others opinion. That is the HONEST way to do it.

If you want to censure me for supporting a publisher who does NOT accept, Tobacco, Gambling, and Alcohol advertising, has some innovative new ideas to fix our state, and when Planned Parenthood dropped a SIX FIGURE check on his desk, to advertise with him, he GAVE IT BACK. Then kick me off. I don't want to be part of a party that can't seem to nominate candidates with those values.

While you are at it maybe you better talk to Lee Grassley. Who told me in front of all six members of a Media Com film crew in Cedar Rapids, and Jonathan, that he was voting for Jonathan. I guess he is a turn coat too, huh? Go to this link:, and check out the picture.

I also want to appeal to my BVP friends. I know you promised to sit this campaign out if Bob did not win. I commend you for keeping your word. But if you continue to sit this out you are only weakening your position, showing your approval of this ridiculous policy. Remember silence is consent.

Let me close in thanking the committee. I never realized I was so powerful, and influential, that little old me, not marching in lock step, with the party drum beat would draw such a reaction. When the State Central Committee censured Kim Lehman for standing up for life, I should have realized then, that I wasn't associated with any party that held the Rule of Natural Law as the Highest law of the Land.

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