Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Common Cause A Common Heritage

Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally has shown us America, and the vision of the Founding Fathers is still alive and can pull us through as it has in the past.

It is obvious to me, being a Beck fan from his CNN days, (It was the ONLY show I watched on CNN) that after one year of the 912 Project being in place, that it wasn't what Beck had envisioned. Many Social Moderates and Non Intervention foreign policy activists had infiltrated the 912 Groups, and that is not what Beck wanted. 912 had reminded us of our common cause Freedom. But it hadn't reminded us of our common Heritage. The Rule of Natural Law.

The rally and the Friday Night event Divine Destiny was a clarification by Beck that the problem is more than an attack on freedom in our Government. It is the attack of our Cultural Heritage that is the problem.

By recreating the I Have a Dream speech Martin Luther King Jr gave 47 years ago. Beck reminded us of when this country had basically attained the vision of the Founding Fathers. Until Martin Luther King Jr., not all Americans had the unalienable Rights communicated to us through the bible. There was segregation and inequality for the community King was in. They were not given the same rights of participation in our Government, yet they were required to obey the same laws.

Alverda Kings speech confirmed to us that her Uncle truly was a conservative, and Poverty Pimps like Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson have usurped his legacy, and perverted the meaning of his movement. Ms. King's defense of traditional marriage, and the unborn, and her statement that her uncle would not agree to anything else but a defense of those two fundamentals of our society. Has brought us back to the common Heritage expressed in the original speech 47 years ago.

That common heritage, especially the ability to worship God in your own way is what draws us all together. The Defense of those around the World who are not granted those unalienable rights is the main mission of the United States Military. Many Non Interventionists would say that the Founding Fathers warned about getting involved in Foreign entanglements. I would say they warned about getting into the wrong Foreign Entanglements. Making sure the Freedom we bring for others, is the Freedom we enjoy here. I believe that was effectively portrayed Friday Night and Saturday Morning. There were many examples of Veterans who have put their lives on the line for their fellow man. Should we only Liberate Countries who follow our Diversity of Religious expression? I don't believe so. But if by liberating them, they adopt our Diversity. Then so be it. A theocracy chosen out of Freedom, is better than one chosen by tyranny. Would you not agree?

Because America is not a theocracy, sometimes we run into conflict about theology. Many in the Evangelical Community has criticized Beck for not believing in Jesus Christ. Beck states that he does. Only he and God knows, and the attacks on him were unfair. I believe the interpretation of the Bible by Evangelicals is correct. I also believe the Founding Fathers intended followers of all Religious faiths, that believe in the Rule of Natural Law were to be citizens.

Are atheists American Citizens? I would say yes. Are they UN American? Well if they do not believe in the Rule of Natural Law, and at least concede that it is the rock this country is built on. I would say yes. This country is founded on the Rule of Natural Law. To not at least acknowledge that. Is to deny the purpose of America in itself. I believe you can acknowledge the rule of Natural Law and not necessarily be a Christian. The Constitution was written for that expressed purpose. The Diversity of Religious beliefs showcased this weekend confirms that. I did not hear any of leaders reject the Constitution because it may be based on Biblical principles.

The other awesome part of the weekend, especially Sunday. Was the pronouncement of American exceptional ism and accomplishment. By having the rally by the reflecting pool, Beck reminded us it is the duty of every generation, to take on the hard tasks and solve problems, so the next Generation doesn't have to.

Our two party system has let us down. It is nominating candidates in a manner of the elitism our founding fathers left Europe for, and many Americans have paid the ultimate sacrifice to prevent. The two party system no longer does honor, to the very heritage, and honorable sacrifice the people of America are expecting of it. This is evidenced by the economic tricks both parties seem to be immersed in, and the refusal to change that policy, despite the fact they know they are leading us down the road to economic Armageddon.

The solution for us and our children, is to pick out the very few public servants still left who believe in the rule of Natural Law. Perhaps it is necessary for an Alternative Party to do this. So far a third party movement has not been effective. Why? Most of them neglect to recognize the honorable mission of the United States Military. I am sorry, the troops are the policy. You can't support the troops, and not support what they do. Many who do support the troops, are Socially Moderate, like a McCain or John Kerry. They overlook cultural norms that preserve the family and promote freedom. They think because they have their family unit intact, what ever happens in our country, cannot affect them. After all they are the ruling class we are not.

This weekend was an enormous start to Restoring Honor. By restoring Honor we will Restore Our Country. The 912 and Tea Party movements need to decide if they are being served in a two party system that has yet to catch on to the fact that Americans believe in the Institution of Traditional Marriage, and Defense of Unborn Life. They also believe their fellow man deserves to live that way, by sending their children over seas to Defend Freedom.

I urge all in the 912 and Tea Party movement to think this over hard. You got credit for getting Scott Brown elected, and he has ended up being part of the ruling class. Until you unite on the Social Rule of Natural Law, and the Defense of unalienable rights defended and advanced by our military. What happened this weekend will go for naught.

Friday, August 27, 2010

GOP Ground Swell ?

The polls are showing well for the GOP for this falls election. One thing I believe is being overlooked is the high undecideds yet on many of these polls.

If this were twenty years ago, I would have confidence of a GOP landslide. Of course Reagan was still on the American conscience, and not a figure of history, that is being spun into what ever legacy, unscrupulous historians think they want to make of him.

These same unscrupulous historians seem to be involved in many of the campaigns of GOP nominees. Many of them are taking candidates that might not necessarily have Reagan's World View, and spinning them into some one people will vote for, who still have Reagan's World View.

This is being done by running a People Magazine, personality driven campaign, rather than running on solutions to our current problems.

The very essence of this is being portrayed in the Brad Zaun Campaign. Zaun being a very Reagan like candidate, has been the victim of a campaign staff that is a little out of touch of their candidate.

The ill advised press release 14 Reasons to Replace Leonard Boswell, issued just before the State Fair. Allowed Boswell and the Des Moines Register to throw the switch and attack Zaun on his ideas, and his personal financial life. This happened because Zaun's campaign for some reason did not understand that he was ahead.

The polls coming out this week shows Zaun survived the attack by Boswell and the Des Moines Register about his ideas. But the Zaun campaign is still waiting to see if the financial problems will affect his numbers. The reporting of this by a popular online Republican magazine, which I will take as acurrate, indicates a lack of total confidence that Zaun's response to his financial problems may not pacify the electorate.

This indicates to me that the Zaun Campaign, or the person reporting it, do not have a a full understanding of Reagan the politician. Zaun's interview with the Register about his past financial problems was awesome. It was Reagan. Zaun has nothing to be ashamed of, and he stated it and gave compelling reasons, and hope to those currently in a similar situation. Zaun will not lose numbers over this. He actually has improved his position. He is one of the people. Boswell should be ashamed to use the financial responsibility card when he is voting for irresponsible spending in the House everyday. Zaun came out of this very well because he handled this himself. I urge him to continue this trend.

Zaun's race is quickly becoming a microcosm of elections all over the country. He has a ten point lead.But there is 12% undecided out there. Many races are in the same shape. Since Zaun has faced an attack a little earlier than most leaders he is in position for victory. The question is what does he do from here.

Zaun needs to be Zaun. He needs to continue on and push his ideas, and never allow personalities to be drawn into his race again. He needs to wear Reagan's shoes that fit him, perfectly, and look good on him. He needs to ignore the machine that promotes RINO's in the election process. ( Reagans In Name Only) He doesn't need that dishonesty and it almost cost him the election.

I love the rhetoric of campaigning, the red meat it feeds you. I love a good medium well done steak, and twenty years ago 14 Reasons to Replace Boswell would have worked. Not today. Today the electorate knows this country is up against the wall. The enemy is at the gate, and it is not being destroyed by military conflict. But by the destruction of our Social and Economic system.

That is the reason the undecideds are so high in many of these races. America is waiting to see if the Republican Party is being run by the Reagan way of thinking again, or by Reagans in Name Only.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Return of the Empire

The primary results of last night reflect a muddled landscape for the Republican Party. Although the Jedi coaliton is making effective progress in returning the party to the fundamentals embodied in the platform. The evil trade alliance still has its power hold on the Republic.

Senator Murkowski's loss to her Palin led opponent shows that Palin still holds a strong hold in her home state. A very shaky one though as shown by the results. Marco Rubio as the Republican nominee in Flordia shows good momentum in that state, although a narrow loss by Bill Mccollum has maybe been a set back for Huck Pac.

This gets to a question of consistency on Huckabee, and Palin's endorsements. So far Huckabee is showing a better track record than Palin. He has endorsed basically conservative out siders and very few insiders. Slowly changing the party by a coaliton of fundamental conservatives who have been in the party and talented new comers intent on principle first party second. Although Palin has many followers with the same philosophy as Huckabee supporters, she has been off the mark when endorsing, jumping in late and backing the candidate with the most momentum.

The results of the Arizona Senate primary last night really does reflect the state the Republican Party is in. The Oligarch's won another one last night. Won it handily, and sent a message that the ruling oligarchy class is still in control. Elements of both parties are setting an agenda, not from a conspiracy stand point. But from a like mindedness that is causing a mixed bag of choices for who the American people will hire as their employees.

This oligarchy believes in a class structure of heredity, not accomplishment, and it is hurting the Republic. Can the destruction and creation of an empire be on the way?

The answer is a repeal of the 17th amendment to the Constitution. It changed the way we choose our Senators from being elected by your State House to being elected by the public. This amendment has caused the very corruption it was intended to stop. Our founding fathers intended the U.S. Senate to be the representative body chosen by your State Legislature. Your Senator was to be accountable to your State Legislature, now your State Legislature is accountable to your Senator. This has created the large political machines we are looking at today,that is being manipulated by special interests.

I believe one persons special interest, is another persons necessary spending. It is all a matter of perspective and who is receiving the payoff. The only solution to big Government spending can only be by going back to the spending authorized in the Constitution. The current situation of publicly electing your Senators has allowed those special interests to infiltrate and control our Government.

Iowa is a shining example of this. Tom Harkin, and Chuck Grassley both have completely different world views. But they are both on perpetual reelection because the special interests funding their campaigns, don't have to influence an entire State House. They only have to give the two U S Senators funding and let them control who is serving in the State House. Totally against the vision of the founding fathers. It has also created the inconsistency of all Senators on the issues that infuriates all of us. John McCain is the shining example of this. Because they are not allowed or have chosen to not be allowed to serve from a basis of their world views, they have to go with what the special interest funding is saying.

So take notice. The Oligarchy is alive and well. It is entrenched in both parties. The current strategy of the two biggest leaders of the Jedi, Huckabee, and Palin, are getting mixed results from their endorsements, because they are trying to change a Republic with a corrupt Senate. They don't realize the Empire is here and the Republic has collapsed.

But there is still hope. As long as the Constitution is still the law of the land, and as long as people who believe in original intent, realize that Natural Law supersedes the Constitution there is still hope.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Nascar is one of the most popular sports in America today. It not only incorporates the competition of running faster than the other guy. It also encompasses many skills that Americans use every day.

The first thing one thinks of off the bat is of course mechanics. Nascar race teams also use Sales, Hospitality, Engineering, Customer Service, and many other skilled trades in their line of business.

I believe a correlation can be drawn in the coverage of the Nascar race Saturday Night by ABC, and the decrease of quality in American culture.

For example although ABC does need to sell ads to make the event pay for itself. ABC had gone out and sold so many ads the quality of their presentation suffered.

Keeping track of the laps that were missed during commercials Saturday Night. I came up with a conservative total of 134 laps missed. The race was 500 laps long. That means I missed 26% of the race.

ABC has had this problem before. They came up with the solution of using a split screen, so you can see the race and the commercial at the same time. I guess maybe this made the advertisers unhappy. I don't know. But I can tell you missing 26% of the race, to watch commercials that are mostly concerned with pulling off some kind of gimmick, rather than promoting Quality, and Value, has made ABC and Nascar's customers very unhappy.

This is not an uncommon problem ABC and Nascar is going through. It permeates through our entire society.

Every day the Government, in the attempt to create a need, and fill it to get votes, imposes more and more burden on the already strained productivity of Americas economy.You really can't blame the Government. We have allowed this to happen. We continue asking what America can do for us, rather than ask what can we do for America. We reward people running for office who are adept at creating a need, than finding a need and filling it.

Of course the only need that Government should fill, Freedom, is contained in the pages of the Constitution, and the Constitution is a terrible thing for those who believe in creating a need or don't believe in Freedom. Look at what our public servants are running on. Creating jobs, creating tax breaks, creating dependency on Government programs for Social Services, picking winners and losers.

Essentially creating a ruling class that really don't have to live like the people they rule.

What has led to this is a fundamental shift in selling ideas in this country. Salesmanship is taught as learning to sell a pencil. The thought process is. If I can build value in an item most everyone has, I can build my market share. The problem is most people already have pencils, and pretty much have found a use for them. I believe the term is called selling the same old thing.

Now if I come from an old fashioned approach of Find A Need and Fill It. I have just automatically created value that is useful for all involved. The seller and the customer. The problem with this approach, ( or modern America thinks this is a problem) is it requires me to listen first. Otherwise how can I find out what the need , or problem is? That is called market research. Honest market research tells me what demographic my product fits into. Today we work from the context that we know what you want and we need to find the right message to make your demographic realize it. That is the difference between a Republic and an Oligarchy. Both function under the Democratic system of Government. One listens to what you think. The other tells you what you should think.

So ABC. The market research I am hearing out here, is many race fans are not happy with only seeing 74% of the race. They are paying Satellite, and Cable fees to see the whole race. Race fans like many Americans know what they want. You also know from your ratings that viewer ship is dropping. Of course if you are losing viewers you will be losing advertisers to other sports who are seeing an increase in viewer ship. (NFL)? First hint: the NFL doesn't cut away during a play. They wait for a time out. There were seven caution flags Saturday Night you cut away on only four of them. When you came back from commercial breaks we were treated to more ads from the announcers.

America like NASCAR and ABC needs to reexamine their business model. That business model needs to be written based on what you hear, not on what you want people to hear.

In the case of America, that business model has already been written. It is called the Constitution. It was written after our founding fathers heard about freedom, and learned about it. They took the best parts of other Governments through out history and threw out the bad parts of those systems that market research showed did not fulfill a need or provided value to their citizen's.

A return to the fundamentals of providing value is the only thing we need to restore this country.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Comebacks and Brett Favre

Let me start this off by saying that Sage Rosenfels is from my hometown. So I am a little biased on this. It was announced last night that Brett Favre is returning for another year to the Vikings. What Favre has done the last few years by extending his career with special treatment, has really set an elitist tone for the country.

Favre returned to Minnesota last night with the usual press coverage including the local traffic helicopter from one of the Minneapolis media outlets. One wonders how traffic flow went with out the helicopter covering it. Or maybe traffic was held up with a tax payer funded motorcade to get Favre to the practice facility?

Now it may sound like I am not a Favre fan. I actually am, and love to watch him play football. But I think you get to an extreme when it comes to some things and in the Favre case this is it.

Sage Rosenfels has been in the NFL 10 years. He has paid his dues. Everywhere he has gone he has always been stuck behind another Quarter Back that was paid more and they have had to play the higher priced QB. Or he has ended up in the situation he is in now behind a Hall Of Famer, despite good results when he has played. Just last Saturday Night Sage led the Vikings to a victory with over 300 yards passing, and 3 TD passes. Sage is ready to be a full time NFL Quarterback. Has been for several years.

I do not expect Favre to go through the usual schedule of training, etc required of all NFL players to play the game. Favre even admits he can't do it anymore. But what happend to the American Tradition of sportsmanship and fair play? Farve has been given special treatment to continue a Hall of Fame career and is not required to match the same standards as his NFL contemporaries. As much as I like Brett Favre. There comes a time when you have to say I have had my shot, and I need to make room for younger people who can do it.

The same thinking that has enabled Brett Favre to continue playing, has crept into our political system. We have a Governor candidate trying to make a come back. This candidate has had a hall of fame career. He has won four Super Bowls, three more than Brett Favre, and many fans of his team are excited to see him play one more season. They can't see anyone else who can do the job. His franchise tried many younger Quarter Backs who performed well and were capable of taking over, but for some reason they want him back in there.

Just like Brett Favre. I like this candidate very much, and consider him to be a good guy. Way better guy than his other opponents in the league. For the most part this guy is an honest guy. One of the players on his team asked him recently why the front office was ignoring them despite the fact that they were on the same team, and he gave her an honest answer. He said look. I know this person will not be as good as you when I take over the Quarter Back position. But only so many people from one team can win every season, and your position has been penciled in to be filled by the other team. I mean come on the people backing your competitor for this job, hold a big block of season tickets in this league, for both home and away games, and we are certainly not going to tick them off.

Just like poor old Sage, this talented new comer to the league is being slighted by the front office despite obvious qualifications. This also happened to the other Governor candidates in training camp who were new and their chance had come up to become the starter. For some reason the front office ignored the standards required of a starting role and went with the veteran who was maybe past his prime.

Thank you Brett Favre for creating the mind set that maybe it doesn't have anything to do with performance. That it is who you know. Not what you know. Thank you for reminding us that here in America we work hard for an opportunity, access that opportunity, and then move on to a new opportunity, so that some one younger has a chance at it.

I will still back the Vikings because of Sage Rosenfels. I may even watch more football this fall and not even pay attention to the Governor Bowl. I may tune in for the half time show, but the ads aren't even going to be interesting.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Zaun Loses the Edge!!

As I had feared last week. Instead of covering the fair, the press covered The Zaun Campaign's attempt to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory. So far it has been successful.

In response to Zaun's 14 Reasons to Replace Leonard Boswell the Des Moines Register has issued this opinion:

A thistle to Brad Zaun for a pathetic lack of originality when it comes to health care. The Republican running for Congress called the new health reform law a "disaster" and proceeded to roll out the same tired ideas – health savings accounts, tort reform, etc. – for fixing the system. Members of his party didn’t reform health care when they were in the majority. Now that Congress and the president enacted reform (it is the law, guys), the Zauns of the world just can’t stop saying "no." They should try harder to come up with fresh ideas.

Make no mistake the Register is wrong. These are great ideas. They are responding to calling out Boswell in the presentation of those ideas. Because they do not want the general public to think they are standing up for Boswell they attack Zaun's ideas. It is obvious the Register staff likes Boswell. Most big Iowa papers are dominated by Democrats. Notice I didn't call them Liberals. Liberals write for the Village Voice, Rolling Stone, and other Cannabis friendly publications. Democrats write for the Des Moines Register.

Many of you will not want to hear this but the 14 Reason's to Replace Leonard Boswell caused a reaction from the Democrats at the Register, that reflects their readership. Otherwise they wouldn't have any readers. The reason for the reaction is calling Boswell out by name. Calling for the replacement of Boswell is the lack of originality here, not the Health Care ideas.

Time after time Republican challengers think that because their opponent got in by personal negative attacks, they should campaign on a personal negative attack basis.Republicans fail to realize that reminding the very people you are trying to reach, that they voted for a bum last time, you are asking them to admit a mistake. Remember what the famous Iowa Boy John Wayne always said. "Never apologize it's a sign of weakness". In a state full of Hawkeye Basketball, and Cubs Baseball fans it is impossible to tell them next year is now. Just as they emotionally attach themselves to their sports teams, they emotionally attach themselves to their politicians.

Leonard Boswell to them is the War buddy they all hung out with. He is the guy who sees to it they receive their benefits they have earned. He is an enlisted man. Not an officer. He is a guy who did the dirty work saw the action first hand and survived the risks. They don't care what he has done so far. They are concerned if you can do a better job. But telling them the person they already hired is incompetent and they have made a bad choice, will never work. To get them to admit that would be admitting a weakness. I can't help it that is how Democrats, and Independents think. Those Democrats and Independents all read the Des Moines Register.

Reagan understood the mind set of the typical American. After all that is what we are talking about here. The typical American citizen who loves the underdog, is tolerant but not too tolerant to defy tradition, or reject the truth of common sense. Look at marriage and holidays. Both are very high in the opinion polls yet.

To sum this up. Imagine you go into a potential employers office. The first thing you say without telling the new boss one thing about what you can do for them is. I am better than anyone you have working for you now. Or I used your product once and so and so did a poor job. Your new boss who is hiring you for the same job may react negatively. You haven't even told him why you can be a valuable member of his business. You haven't shown you understand what his business does, or tried to understand the new boss's view on things, for that matter. I mean we are forming a working relationship here. Relationships are a two way street. Maybe the employee, who he has been happy with for several years, is past his time, has discussed quiting, but the boss was unsure how to replace him? Or business is good and he needs another employee in that department? Think you will get the job?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

To Intervene or Not to Intervene!!

There is a great debate among Libertarian minded people about Americas's foreign policy. If we believe in Natural Law and that Natural Law applies to all people, ( I don't recall God saying Americans only in the bible about that) then we must assume that helping people in other countries establish the rule of Natural Law should be one of America's goals, or even responsibilities.

A great many Liberty minded people believe America should only be involved in Congressionally declared war. That if a President deploys troops it should only be with the permission of the Congress. The Constitution does make a case for this.

Since World War two was the last war considered Constitutionally legal by those of Libertarian persuasion. I think it is worth looking at the policy that led to World War two.

Monday night at 7pm central, there is going to be a movie on Turner Classic Movies called The Mortal Storm.

Mortal Storm, The (1940)
The Third Reich's rise tears apart a German family.
Cast: Margaret Sullavan, James Stewart, Robert Young, Frank Morgan Dir: Frank Borzage BW-100 mins, TV-PG

Notice the year this movie was made. Several immigrants from Germany had come to America by this time and was telling everyone what was going on. Many in the Hollywood Community were concerned. This is a big change from today where many in Hollywood seem to sympathize with the tyrants. The cultural denigration of Germany that is portrayed in this movie is too significant to ignore. The Politically correct tone the Third Reich insisted on and it's effect on education is stunning. Until 1940 Hitler allowed the foreign press to follow him everywhere. If you search Life magazine photos he was drawing crowds the size of which major rock concerts and sporting events draw today in out side venues.

Despite all of this evidence that Hitler was building an tyrannical totalitarian state that did not tolerate opposing points of view and discriminated against certain members of their population, the World stayed out of German affairs, and instead tried to appease Hitler, with little evidence they even criticized him for his policies.

The appeasement of Hitler cost many lives in the long run, and set a tone for America's future foreign policy. No longer were we going to allow such a thing to happen. We learned the lesson's of tolerating tyranny and have followed through on it since.

It can be argued by many Libertarians that America has used Third Reich tactics to impose on it's own citizen's freedom. Traffic cameras are one example. Hitler set up movie cameras at different spots around Germany to observe the population. I can go on and on here about things the government maybe doing to take Liberty away from us. There have been many examples,and Libertarians do an excellent job pointing them out.

But until Libertarian minded people come to the realization that America is the world's only true super power, and we traditionally have come to the aid of those who have been denied The Rule of Natural Law around the World. You will never break the monopoly the two major parties have on the political process. Of course the Libertarian movement also needs to reaffirm a belief in the Rule of Natural Law, or do you just stop at the Constitution?

Please take a moment to view this movie Monday Night. If you cannot see it at that time, be sure to set your DVR. Just like for many years It's A Wonderful Life got ignored til America realized it needed the movie and the values in it. This movie can become a lesson for this time in history pertaining to learning from the past to avoid making the same mistakes today.

To my non Interventionist Libertarian friends. Until you come to grips with this issue , you will never gain the relevancy necessary to influence the political system, and ensure the Liberties we all know are under attack foreign and domestically. Take a moment and talk to some one from Germany,the Phillipines, Russia, China, South Korea, Viet Nam, ask them what they think of America's foreign policy. Remember the contents of America's melting pot came from other countries.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Zaun Let's Boswell Back In !!

Brad Zaun is in the middle of a winning campaign at this point in time:

Brad has done an excellent job so far. To have these kind of poll numbers against an incumbent Congressman is awesome. But the Zaun campaign may have just let Boswell back in.

Somebody has come up with a press release series called: 14 Reasons to Replace Boswell. I feel this is a big mistake. Reason number one. Never, never bring your opponents name into your own pressers when you are leading. Serious mistake here. This rule counts the same as if you were an incumbent. Incumbents don't help promote their opponents by calling them out by name in the media. You are the incumbent in this case because you have already closed the sell with the swing vote. You have also endangered your 10 point lead with independents, and the 26 percent of Democrats who already like you by constantly reminding them they voted for Boswell.

You have gotten where you are so far by being genuine. By talking about solutions that will make our country better for future generations. You didn't need to do this. Hammering Independents and Democrats over the head with their bad choice in the past is the same thing as saying hey dummy you made a mistake. You certainly didn't treat your customers in the hardware business like that when they returned something did you?

You have 12 more reasons to get out there,and you should get them out there this month, and hope the voters that you have built your lead on are at the fair and not paying attention. This could lead them to sympathize with Boswell and tighten your race. Get this out of the way asap and keep being the Brad Zaun that won the primary.

P.S Personal attacks don't bother me. :)If I lived in Third District I would vote for you no matter what. They do bother Independents, and Democrats though. Many of whom vote emotionally. That is why every one's Congressman is corrupt except mine. Talk about your issues and stay on the game that got you where you are now.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Who Should We Vote For?

I am posting this in response to Steve Deace's blog on Monday. You can see it here.

When trying to decide who to vote for. I try to apply these five principles, in accessing the candidates qualifications.

Our Principles:

1. The Natural Law handed down to man from God, communicated to us through the Bible is the ultimate Law of the Land. Natural law supersedes all Laws written by man.

2. Life is precious and should be protected.

3. Marriage is between a Man and a Woman, and is a tradition that must be preserved.

4. We believe in the limited Government the Founders envisioned for this Nation, expressed in the Constitution.

5. We believe that all people are endowed by God with unalienable rights, and America should continue it's tradition of Defending Those Rights by Peace Through Strength

So applying these to the hypothetical candidates Steve has listed in his blog. Let's see who to vote for.

Candidate A:

Candidate A seems to pass number one until we find out he considers Health Care a right. Hardly a mandate handed down by God. On number two he fails because of he is Pro Life in name only. Number 3? FAILED BIG TIME. Number 4 failed: His public record shows no basis what so ever of belief in original intent. Number 5 Failed : Just because he is a war veteran, doesn't mean he is into Defending his fellow man. His positions on the other issues leads me to believe I can't trust him on Defense. Anyone hear of John Kerry? Actually I think I will call candidate number one John Kerry. Thumbs down on this guy!!

Candidate B:

Since Steve has made all three candidates male. I am making the Atheist Libertarian a woman, who doesn't go to Ron Paul events, but rather is beloved by Conservative Women's groups. This candidate passes number one because she is really a closet Christian who believes in original intent, but loves the pot lucks that the Conservative Women Groups put on, and doesn't want to be kicked out of them. I giver her a thumbs up on number 1. Number 2and Three: She passes, she is solid on life and marriage. I cut her some slack for not wanting to make waves, and have her sisters in the movement question her womanhood. Now you say she maybe a little weak on marriage and Pro Life. But she does have a previous voting record I can rely on. ( I can count on her to do the right thing). Numbers 4 and 5 are easy. She has shown all along a believe in limited Government. Since Defense has not come up in her past. I have to give her the benefit of the doubt. Gee I guess we can see why it is the year of the woman. :) If this candidate were a man he would fail miserably for having no ca hones. But since she is a woman and naturally has no ca hones I can live with her.

Candidate C:

FAILED ON EVERYTHING. Don't be confused he doesn't fail number one because he is a Divorce e. Reagan was a divorce e. So Evangelicals when a candidate with a Divorce in their past pops up. Don't fall for it. The liberals are playing you and you fall for it every time. It turns you off to great candidates and helps liberals get elected even though they have a divorce also. Why? You weren't going to vote for the Liberal either so you stay home and the Liberal wins. It is a turn out trick. The main thing is if a candidate can pass my five criteria it is really about who they are now. Not who they were then. Adultery on the candidates part does compel you to stay home. I do fall for that one every time. No adultery? Cut them some slack.

Well that is my take on our political, no win scenario. Just like Kirk. I changed the test so I get some one to vote for. Have no doubt. Even though I vote for Candidate B. I realize I am still not voting for a die hard Conservative. It is very hard to find a Conservative with the steadfastness of a Reagan. Being realistic and not cheating on this test. Taking the candidates as they are, and they being the only choices on the BALLOT. I leave that race blank and look at other races on the ballot. This store didn't have what I was looking for. I need to go to the next store down the street.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Culver Not That Bad!!

Now before you report me to the Branstad Campaign take a moment to hear me out. You have to admit that title caught your attention. :)But in this case it Culver is saying he isn't doing a bad job.

Data released this week shows that Iowa is in second place in the nation in debt per capita. Iowa is only in debt for every man woman and child in the state for $73 each. Only Nebraska is ahead of us at $15.

This of course might leave Culver to claim he is doing a good job, and I have heard some pressers on the radio saying something about his tight fiscal policies. But really what he is saying is come on, I haven't been that bad. Look at the others.

Here is where we go wrong. We accept his premise. His opponent responds by saying there aren't any IJOBS spending in those results. Well there wasn't any IJOBS spending in the other states figures either.

The response to Culver, and what Culver should be saying is that the goal should be $0 per capita. Culver should admit he failed and Branstad should call him a failure. Anybody reading this remember asking the State of Iowa, or the Federal Government for that matter to put each of us in Debt? To further complicate it both the state and federal Government have put our children, who really don't have any voice in the process, into debt. Hey isn't it fraud if some one charges something to your credit card you didn't approve?

The Oligarchy that is currently running America would say we did approve it. We voted for the policies and programs that have incurred this debt. They would say you voted for us to make those decisions for you, and because it is such a big responsibility, we must spend a million dollars to go to Spain, and other places where the rest of the World's oligarchs play. I can't argue with this. Anybody running for office on a pay as you go platform doesn't get elected. Why? We don't hold our Government to the same standards we require in the world of sports.

Imagine the manager of your favorite baseball team sitting down with his owner. The owners says,Joe I have to fire you. The manager says but look at my record. I have been your manager for the last three years and I am only 73 games under .500? He further says that he is in second place in the league for managers with three years experience or higher. First place is only 15 games under .500. So if I am a oligarch. I have to make sure no managers serve more than three years because all managers with under three years service are the only ones with winning records. Either that or we are in a league where no one has a winning record. It would also explain why politicians like Golf. It is the only sport where a negative result is good. That is how we allow our Government to work.

We need to apply our standards in sports to our elected Officials. I am not calling for Government surplus either. Look at what happened to the $900 million surplus that was there when Branstad left office? It got spent.

Our approach to Government should be that we are in one of the major golf tournaments where the winner ends up at even par. Only then can we be assured that our tax dollars are at the right percentage of our incomes, and we will preserve the freedom our founding fathers envisioned for future generations.