Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Return of the Empire

The primary results of last night reflect a muddled landscape for the Republican Party. Although the Jedi coaliton is making effective progress in returning the party to the fundamentals embodied in the platform. The evil trade alliance still has its power hold on the Republic.

Senator Murkowski's loss to her Palin led opponent shows that Palin still holds a strong hold in her home state. A very shaky one though as shown by the results. Marco Rubio as the Republican nominee in Flordia shows good momentum in that state, although a narrow loss by Bill Mccollum has maybe been a set back for Huck Pac.

This gets to a question of consistency on Huckabee, and Palin's endorsements. So far Huckabee is showing a better track record than Palin. He has endorsed basically conservative out siders and very few insiders. Slowly changing the party by a coaliton of fundamental conservatives who have been in the party and talented new comers intent on principle first party second. Although Palin has many followers with the same philosophy as Huckabee supporters, she has been off the mark when endorsing, jumping in late and backing the candidate with the most momentum.

The results of the Arizona Senate primary last night really does reflect the state the Republican Party is in. The Oligarch's won another one last night. Won it handily, and sent a message that the ruling oligarchy class is still in control. Elements of both parties are setting an agenda, not from a conspiracy stand point. But from a like mindedness that is causing a mixed bag of choices for who the American people will hire as their employees.

This oligarchy believes in a class structure of heredity, not accomplishment, and it is hurting the Republic. Can the destruction and creation of an empire be on the way?

The answer is a repeal of the 17th amendment to the Constitution. It changed the way we choose our Senators from being elected by your State House to being elected by the public. This amendment has caused the very corruption it was intended to stop. Our founding fathers intended the U.S. Senate to be the representative body chosen by your State Legislature. Your Senator was to be accountable to your State Legislature, now your State Legislature is accountable to your Senator. This has created the large political machines we are looking at today,that is being manipulated by special interests.

I believe one persons special interest, is another persons necessary spending. It is all a matter of perspective and who is receiving the payoff. The only solution to big Government spending can only be by going back to the spending authorized in the Constitution. The current situation of publicly electing your Senators has allowed those special interests to infiltrate and control our Government.

Iowa is a shining example of this. Tom Harkin, and Chuck Grassley both have completely different world views. But they are both on perpetual reelection because the special interests funding their campaigns, don't have to influence an entire State House. They only have to give the two U S Senators funding and let them control who is serving in the State House. Totally against the vision of the founding fathers. It has also created the inconsistency of all Senators on the issues that infuriates all of us. John McCain is the shining example of this. Because they are not allowed or have chosen to not be allowed to serve from a basis of their world views, they have to go with what the special interest funding is saying.

So take notice. The Oligarchy is alive and well. It is entrenched in both parties. The current strategy of the two biggest leaders of the Jedi, Huckabee, and Palin, are getting mixed results from their endorsements, because they are trying to change a Republic with a corrupt Senate. They don't realize the Empire is here and the Republic has collapsed.

But there is still hope. As long as the Constitution is still the law of the land, and as long as people who believe in original intent, realize that Natural Law supersedes the Constitution there is still hope.

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