Friday, August 27, 2010

GOP Ground Swell ?

The polls are showing well for the GOP for this falls election. One thing I believe is being overlooked is the high undecideds yet on many of these polls.

If this were twenty years ago, I would have confidence of a GOP landslide. Of course Reagan was still on the American conscience, and not a figure of history, that is being spun into what ever legacy, unscrupulous historians think they want to make of him.

These same unscrupulous historians seem to be involved in many of the campaigns of GOP nominees. Many of them are taking candidates that might not necessarily have Reagan's World View, and spinning them into some one people will vote for, who still have Reagan's World View.

This is being done by running a People Magazine, personality driven campaign, rather than running on solutions to our current problems.

The very essence of this is being portrayed in the Brad Zaun Campaign. Zaun being a very Reagan like candidate, has been the victim of a campaign staff that is a little out of touch of their candidate.

The ill advised press release 14 Reasons to Replace Leonard Boswell, issued just before the State Fair. Allowed Boswell and the Des Moines Register to throw the switch and attack Zaun on his ideas, and his personal financial life. This happened because Zaun's campaign for some reason did not understand that he was ahead.

The polls coming out this week shows Zaun survived the attack by Boswell and the Des Moines Register about his ideas. But the Zaun campaign is still waiting to see if the financial problems will affect his numbers. The reporting of this by a popular online Republican magazine, which I will take as acurrate, indicates a lack of total confidence that Zaun's response to his financial problems may not pacify the electorate.

This indicates to me that the Zaun Campaign, or the person reporting it, do not have a a full understanding of Reagan the politician. Zaun's interview with the Register about his past financial problems was awesome. It was Reagan. Zaun has nothing to be ashamed of, and he stated it and gave compelling reasons, and hope to those currently in a similar situation. Zaun will not lose numbers over this. He actually has improved his position. He is one of the people. Boswell should be ashamed to use the financial responsibility card when he is voting for irresponsible spending in the House everyday. Zaun came out of this very well because he handled this himself. I urge him to continue this trend.

Zaun's race is quickly becoming a microcosm of elections all over the country. He has a ten point lead.But there is 12% undecided out there. Many races are in the same shape. Since Zaun has faced an attack a little earlier than most leaders he is in position for victory. The question is what does he do from here.

Zaun needs to be Zaun. He needs to continue on and push his ideas, and never allow personalities to be drawn into his race again. He needs to wear Reagan's shoes that fit him, perfectly, and look good on him. He needs to ignore the machine that promotes RINO's in the election process. ( Reagans In Name Only) He doesn't need that dishonesty and it almost cost him the election.

I love the rhetoric of campaigning, the red meat it feeds you. I love a good medium well done steak, and twenty years ago 14 Reasons to Replace Boswell would have worked. Not today. Today the electorate knows this country is up against the wall. The enemy is at the gate, and it is not being destroyed by military conflict. But by the destruction of our Social and Economic system.

That is the reason the undecideds are so high in many of these races. America is waiting to see if the Republican Party is being run by the Reagan way of thinking again, or by Reagans in Name Only.

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