Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Zaun Loses the Edge!!

As I had feared last week. Instead of covering the fair, the press covered The Zaun Campaign's attempt to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory. So far it has been successful.

In response to Zaun's 14 Reasons to Replace Leonard Boswell the Des Moines Register has issued this opinion:

A thistle to Brad Zaun for a pathetic lack of originality when it comes to health care. The Republican running for Congress called the new health reform law a "disaster" and proceeded to roll out the same tired ideas – health savings accounts, tort reform, etc. – for fixing the system. Members of his party didn’t reform health care when they were in the majority. Now that Congress and the president enacted reform (it is the law, guys), the Zauns of the world just can’t stop saying "no." They should try harder to come up with fresh ideas.

Make no mistake the Register is wrong. These are great ideas. They are responding to calling out Boswell in the presentation of those ideas. Because they do not want the general public to think they are standing up for Boswell they attack Zaun's ideas. It is obvious the Register staff likes Boswell. Most big Iowa papers are dominated by Democrats. Notice I didn't call them Liberals. Liberals write for the Village Voice, Rolling Stone, and other Cannabis friendly publications. Democrats write for the Des Moines Register.

Many of you will not want to hear this but the 14 Reason's to Replace Leonard Boswell caused a reaction from the Democrats at the Register, that reflects their readership. Otherwise they wouldn't have any readers. The reason for the reaction is calling Boswell out by name. Calling for the replacement of Boswell is the lack of originality here, not the Health Care ideas.

Time after time Republican challengers think that because their opponent got in by personal negative attacks, they should campaign on a personal negative attack basis.Republicans fail to realize that reminding the very people you are trying to reach, that they voted for a bum last time, you are asking them to admit a mistake. Remember what the famous Iowa Boy John Wayne always said. "Never apologize it's a sign of weakness". In a state full of Hawkeye Basketball, and Cubs Baseball fans it is impossible to tell them next year is now. Just as they emotionally attach themselves to their sports teams, they emotionally attach themselves to their politicians.

Leonard Boswell to them is the War buddy they all hung out with. He is the guy who sees to it they receive their benefits they have earned. He is an enlisted man. Not an officer. He is a guy who did the dirty work saw the action first hand and survived the risks. They don't care what he has done so far. They are concerned if you can do a better job. But telling them the person they already hired is incompetent and they have made a bad choice, will never work. To get them to admit that would be admitting a weakness. I can't help it that is how Democrats, and Independents think. Those Democrats and Independents all read the Des Moines Register.

Reagan understood the mind set of the typical American. After all that is what we are talking about here. The typical American citizen who loves the underdog, is tolerant but not too tolerant to defy tradition, or reject the truth of common sense. Look at marriage and holidays. Both are very high in the opinion polls yet.

To sum this up. Imagine you go into a potential employers office. The first thing you say without telling the new boss one thing about what you can do for them is. I am better than anyone you have working for you now. Or I used your product once and so and so did a poor job. Your new boss who is hiring you for the same job may react negatively. You haven't even told him why you can be a valuable member of his business. You haven't shown you understand what his business does, or tried to understand the new boss's view on things, for that matter. I mean we are forming a working relationship here. Relationships are a two way street. Maybe the employee, who he has been happy with for several years, is past his time, has discussed quiting, but the boss was unsure how to replace him? Or business is good and he needs another employee in that department? Think you will get the job?

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