Monday, August 9, 2010

Culver Not That Bad!!

Now before you report me to the Branstad Campaign take a moment to hear me out. You have to admit that title caught your attention. :)But in this case it Culver is saying he isn't doing a bad job.

Data released this week shows that Iowa is in second place in the nation in debt per capita. Iowa is only in debt for every man woman and child in the state for $73 each. Only Nebraska is ahead of us at $15.

This of course might leave Culver to claim he is doing a good job, and I have heard some pressers on the radio saying something about his tight fiscal policies. But really what he is saying is come on, I haven't been that bad. Look at the others.

Here is where we go wrong. We accept his premise. His opponent responds by saying there aren't any IJOBS spending in those results. Well there wasn't any IJOBS spending in the other states figures either.

The response to Culver, and what Culver should be saying is that the goal should be $0 per capita. Culver should admit he failed and Branstad should call him a failure. Anybody reading this remember asking the State of Iowa, or the Federal Government for that matter to put each of us in Debt? To further complicate it both the state and federal Government have put our children, who really don't have any voice in the process, into debt. Hey isn't it fraud if some one charges something to your credit card you didn't approve?

The Oligarchy that is currently running America would say we did approve it. We voted for the policies and programs that have incurred this debt. They would say you voted for us to make those decisions for you, and because it is such a big responsibility, we must spend a million dollars to go to Spain, and other places where the rest of the World's oligarchs play. I can't argue with this. Anybody running for office on a pay as you go platform doesn't get elected. Why? We don't hold our Government to the same standards we require in the world of sports.

Imagine the manager of your favorite baseball team sitting down with his owner. The owners says,Joe I have to fire you. The manager says but look at my record. I have been your manager for the last three years and I am only 73 games under .500? He further says that he is in second place in the league for managers with three years experience or higher. First place is only 15 games under .500. So if I am a oligarch. I have to make sure no managers serve more than three years because all managers with under three years service are the only ones with winning records. Either that or we are in a league where no one has a winning record. It would also explain why politicians like Golf. It is the only sport where a negative result is good. That is how we allow our Government to work.

We need to apply our standards in sports to our elected Officials. I am not calling for Government surplus either. Look at what happened to the $900 million surplus that was there when Branstad left office? It got spent.

Our approach to Government should be that we are in one of the major golf tournaments where the winner ends up at even par. Only then can we be assured that our tax dollars are at the right percentage of our incomes, and we will preserve the freedom our founding fathers envisioned for future generations.

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